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Freizeitpark Plohn: General Discussion


TS Member
Spotted by Martyn B on CF.

River Splash ab 2013 in Plohn

It seems to have been revealed during their fireworks show via a laser animation, which is way cool! :D

Shame the ride isn't exactly anything to write home about...


Über-German park manager with ride plans.


Storm Surge anyone? :p
It really doesn't. This one will at least have an attempt at theming and landscaping, though the ride itself is probably on a par.
To be fair, if Storm Surge was at a smaller park, say Pleasure Island, people would probably think more of it. Ultimately, it's a crud ride for Thorpe park.

Anyway, I've always thought these little ABC rapids look funky.
This is better than storm surge, especially without all the bad supports which make SS ugly.
Sam said:
It seems to have been revealed during their fireworks show via a laser animation, which is way cool! :D

I remember Chessington doing exactly the same thing announcing the first incarnation of what is Tomb Blaster many years ago. It was way cool then too, until I realised this meant I had just had my last ever ride on the 5th Dimension and I cried a bit.

As has been said, that ride looks perfectly fine for the park if it is executed well. Storm Surge is a very not fine ride for Thorpe and on top of that has been executed pretty much as badly as is imaginable.
Strangely, I don't think it's been mentioned on the forum but Plohn are building the second Mack inverted powered coaster (after 'Arthur').

It looks from the minisite for it that it's going to have a western theme, and be in a new area of the park called Gold Creek City. :)
News on the Plohn dark ride!


So this new state-of-the-art Mack ride system, the building its housed in, the dark ride elements, a "multimedia show", a "mini topspin" and a gift shop are going to come in for €3m (an eighth of the cost of Arthur)? Riiiiiight...
It not outside the realms of possibility that parks can use a small budget in a creative sense and not make it look like corners have been cut...
Mack listed inverted powered coasters with spinning seats on their website long before Arthur was announced. This is what the concept looked like.

Among the number of unknown quantities in Arthur's budget are how much the IP cost and whether it covered all the research and development for the ride system (including that prototype at the factory). If the latter was covered new rides with the same system could be quite a bit cheaper, though probably not to anywhere near this extent. Even so, you have to imagine that some of the Arthur tech will have gone into it even if it does turn out to be a less sophisticated ride system.
It not outside the realms of possibility that parks can use a small budget in a creative sense and not make it look like corners have been cut...
It is... but with things like Huracan at Bellewaerde you can tell it's low budget.

Hopefully this won't be the case!
So for anyone interested to see how their Dark Ride Powered Mine Train Coaster turned out:

But the more exciting news is that Freizeitpark Plohn will open its 7th rollercoaster in 2019. The park have teased a new attraction for a while but now the building permit confirms it will be a Mack BigDipper.

From what I can understand the article believes it is a similar layout to Lost Gravity but there are some differences.
Seems like a variation on the old Blauer Enzian layout. Very odd to have a slow speed lap at the start like that though.
That coaster was alright.

Bring on 2019, though!

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A while back in a German TV documentary about Mack Rides they showed a concept for a BigDipper coaster with a 90° holding brake drop (like a Dive Coaster).
Not sure now if this 100% but I saw on another forum someone claim that this element will be in Plohn's new coaster.