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General Queue Times Discussion

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In fairness, if we’re excluding extensions, I’d imagine that WM’s queue line is actually surprisingly short compared to the others. You’ve only really got the one little switchback section within the first big turnaround, and then it’s mostly a gradually curving straight from there, with the odd set of steps here and there. It’s actually not that long, if you think about it; I think all the steps make it seem longer than it is. I’d imagine that the 100m figure also excludes the pre-show area, which makes a difference.

While I do think the 100m figure seems oddly short relative to the others, I certainly wouldn’t say it’s out of the question, and I don’t think Wicker Man has the longest queue at Alton by any stretch; at a guess, I’d easily say that Thirteen, Rita and Smiler are noticeably longer, at very least, as those have a surprising maze of cattlepen within them. Thirteen’s entrance is also a very, very long way from the attraction boarding point.
In fairness, if we’re excluding extensions, I’d imagine that WM’s queue line is actually surprisingly short compared to the others. You’ve only really got the one little switchback section within the first big turnaround, and then it’s mostly a gradually curving straight from there, with the odd set of steps here and there. It’s actually not that long, if you think about it; I think all the steps make it seem longer than it is. I’d imagine that the 100m figure also excludes the pre-show area, which makes a difference.

While I do think the 100m figure seems oddly short relative to the others, I certainly wouldn’t say it’s out of the question, and I don’t think Wicker Man has the longest queue at Alton by any stretch; at a guess, I’d easily say that Thirteen, Rita and Smiler are noticeably longer, at very least, as those have a surprising maze of cattlepen within them. Thirteen’s entrance is also a very, very long way from the attraction boarding point.
Yeah I'd agree, I definitely think Wicker Man's is the shortest, and I thought Galactica's was the longest just off the top of my head so maybe that source is accurate.
I think it’s easy to think of WM as having a really long queue line because it has an awful lot of extension queue, which adds to the illusion of it being a long line. These extensions are also always open at the moment, as it’s still a relatively new ride, which might not be the case on the older rides. In terms of actual, non-extension line, it’s actually not very long at all.
It’s weird but Oblivion always feels like one of the longest to me as you can’t skip it and have to walk the whole thing.
Also, a good one for fellow queue enthusiasts, I often find queue walk through videos on YouTube so I can pretend I'm there. I also cross check the queue times on the app, and sit there pausing and unpausing the video to get that full 70 min queue experience.

Highly recommended fun.
It’s weird but Oblivion always feels like one of the longest to me as you can’t skip it and have to walk the whole thing.
I usually just walk up the fast track and jump the fence to the normal queue if it's not busy
I used to do it pre-COVID but with people spread out and reduced capacity on Oblivion it's hard to tell where the line will be.
I know Gangster Granny is the new ride, but why is it on 2+ hours near enough every day? I don't think I could justify waiting that long for an indoor, simulator type ride.
Rides are built with long term capacity requirements in mind. It's the shiny new thing and will attract long waits, a few seasons from now, when something else is the new kid on the block and the disease has passed, it will have a healthier queue time.
Besides, GG is only on 50 minutes at the moment; I’d imagine the effects of less children at the park will begin to be felt when it comes to GG’s queue time! I think only a few areas have half term this week, so next week, the crowd levels at GG should be even lower!

You know what, queues are looking pretty good today given that some schools are still on half term (apparently)! Only Thirteen and Smiler are currently even hitting an hour; both of those are on 60 minutes! The next highest after that is Gangsta Granny on 50 and then WM and In the Night Garden on 45!

Given that the park’s been open for an hour and this is what crowds are like, I’m feeling cautiously optimistic about crowd levels for my 28th June visit!
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Besides, GG is only on 50 minutes at the moment; I’d imagine the effects of less children at the park will begin to be felt when it comes to GG’s queue time! I think only a few areas have half term this week, so next week, the crowd levels at GG should be even lower!

You know what, queues are looking pretty good today given that some schools are still on half term (apparently)! Only Thirteen and Smiler are currently even hitting an hour; both of those are on 60 minutes! The next highest after that is Gangsta Granny on 50 and then WM and In the Night Garden on 45!

Given that the park’s been open for an hour and this is what crowds are like, I’m feeling cautiously optimistic about crowd levels for my 28th June visit!
Except for Galactica, which must be on 1 train currently
I thought half term for all schools was last week to be honest. Hopefully the midweek times for after this week extend from 4pm.
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