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General Queue Times Discussion

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On another note, I genuinely cannot remember the last time all attractions operated at the same time without something being closed - even with The Smiler and CRR being down for a while, TH13TEEN, Duel and Hex are also down, either Funk'n'Fly or Mixtape only goes so long before they're down, and we've had reliability issues with every other major ride today. I don't ever remember reliability being as bad as it is currently.
It was testing the other day though, so I doubt that.

There are just too many variables to know. Maybe a part arrived the other day and was faulty? Maybe one was sent up from Thorpe but wasn’t compatible in the end. Maybe they attempted a temporary fix but weren’t happy with it. Maybe they took the downtime as an opportunity to change another part that was nearing the end of its life and that resulted in some test runs being required in manual mode, but that was separate to the main reason why it isn’t open.

So many options on what it could be. Truth is we don’t know.
There are just too many variables to know. Maybe a part arrived the other day and was faulty? Maybe one was sent up from Thorpe but wasn’t compatible in the end. Maybe they attempted a temporary fix but weren’t happy with it. Maybe they took the downtime as an opportunity to change another part that was nearing the end of its life and that resulted in some test runs being required in manual mode, but that was separate to the main reason why it isn’t open.

So many options on what it could be. Truth is we don’t know.
Agreed. As I've said, I won't start celebrating until I see it marked "open" on the app. :)
On another note, I genuinely cannot remember the last time all attractions operated at the same time without something being closed - even with The Smiler and CRR being down for a while, TH13TEEN, Duel and Hex are also down, either Funk'n'Fly or Mixtape only goes so long before they're down, and we've had reliability issues with every other major ride today. I don't ever remember reliability being as bad as it is currently.
Hex and Duel closed on a Scarefest day. Priceless.
It’s awaiting a part, what exactly are they to focus on? Should they be stood at the window looking at their watch and twitching the curtains every 5mins looking for the delivery van?

Once it arrives I’m sure they will be on it straight away.
How can it be waiting for a part if its been testing? They can't test it if it didn't have the part already
Edit: Just seen post above
Duel and Hex are both closed again atm. Not great but can't be helped. :oops:
Along with 7 other rides, 3 of which are major coasters, and every dark ride is now closed too! Reliability and availability is really poor at the moment. The park seems incapable of having everything open and rides seem to take their turns in closing throughout the day. Perhaps this is not only a reliability issue but also a staffing issue too?
I wonder if they are doing work to 13’s lift hill to try and rectify the issue with not being able to operate in the rain and have had to close Rita due to its proximity to that area.
Rita is finally open so it’s just CRR, The Smiler and Thirteen which are down now so at least the day has ended fairly well.
Rita is finally open so it’s just CRR, The Smiler and Thirteen which are down now so at least the day has ended fairly well.
Battle Galleons and Get Set Go Treetop Adventure have both just gone down. Relatively minor rides though (Battle Galleons is anyway in this weather!).
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