I think something that makes Hex so special is it’s inherit analogue-ness. I know this really wouldn’t be a factor when it opened, but I think my main disappointment in new Hex is that I don’t think there are any CRT televisions anymore. If I was in charge, and I’m not (I mean what do I know?), I would definitely lean into the CRTs and the found footage-ness of it. It’s ingrained in the ride. Even the backup generator feels old school. And yes, that does mean lighting has to fit too.
I like some of the new lighting. It just gets too disco-ey for me. And strobey at times too. First off, when was blue a part of this rides colour pallet? I mean come on! I also really like the idea of the lights in the tubes and stuff. I can see all the bulbs though, and I don’t like that.
I’ve rewatched the 2009 POV that @EuroThemeParkArchive put up (also thank you for your hours at those documentaries, they rock and you are a SAINT) and I realise that I think the branches brown goes with some rich red and oranges. Would love to see that come back. Especially on the face, man, it had a serious presence in that one, it makes it really pop. It’s even a little scary.
That being said, is the original Hex lighting package a little too subtle? A bit too boring dare I say? Yes. I think it is. Seeing all the people go ‘ooh’ and ‘aah’ for the new package is a seriously good reaction for a ride, but oh my god do it better. I think what it really needed was a few more gizmos and gimbals happening. Picture in your head the original package, I have some edits I’d make. For example, I’d love to see all the Earls tech have some cool lighting effects. Maybe a make all the zodiac signs on the weird wheel thing glow a mechanical yellow, that would be cool. Maybe have all the mechanical pieces move too. Have the oil pump looking thing rock back and fourth, have a switch flip up and down on its own accord, have actually good and colour palette abiding lights in the tubes (with some LED’s that I can’t tell where each bulb is mind you).
For the end, when upside down (ish), id add some green strobes on the face. I know I hate green lights, they steal all the colour from everything else, and lighting should be used to make details pop, but I think it would be a nice call back to all the green video footage and such throughout the ride. Put a nice little bow on it, linking it back to the projector room. I would also keep the branch fibre optics as a nice surprise at the end, and maybe with some projection mapping, like all the magic and all the curse is getting sucked back into the branch again.
Ultimately, Hex is like our Spookslot. I love Spookslot. People went ‘ooh!’ and ‘aah!’ because something was going on in every corner, and maybe that is what Hex could do with. “Oh why! But it was so subtle!” I hear you cry, but I don’t think my changes would inflict on the atmosphere. We’re here to be entertained, and I think a lot of stuff going on is what causes people to actually vocalise their interest, and there’s a halfway point between the most realistic lighting and the most over the top lighting.
I like seeing stuff moving and changing. I’m stupid and like nice colours. Most people like nice colours. I don’t think the madhouse illusion is enough to entertain modern people for a full 2.5 minutes. That sounds bad, but i think it’s the facts. It needed a re-tooling. But that doesn’t mean turning it into a rave! I think my point is turning into the classic Merlin Marvel-isation of their properties. It all feels a bit heavy handed. It’s complete overstimulation. I think it’s like in some movies I see a person do a backflip off of a motorcycle and land on a semi-truck and I remain unfazed. Then, I watch another movie where perhaps they make a lucky shot and I’m like ‘woah! How did he manage that!’. It just doesn’t feel intimate anymore. And I think Hex has lost that intimacy.
This post has turned from ‘i like CRTs’ to a full blown lighting reconstruction, so apologies, but I think that is how I would ‘fix’ Hex. I just write and then write and write. I think it works better as if you’ve just seen an unexplainable phenomenon and that’s that. Didn’t need to be over dramatic. It’s smallness make it feel personal. Just add a little more going on. I always felt like it’s a bizarre fairytale-fantasy version of Blair Witch.
Also move that spark box behind the generator you numpties.