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Hyde Park Winter Wonderland: General Discussion

Was only one drop last year.
When I visited in 2018 on the charity night you got 2 drops so they've definitely reduced the number of drops for some reason.
I think I've only ever seen Hangover with one drop and I have been every year since 2017 (although my memory may be lacking here).
I did it a couple of years back and got two drops, but that was during the day when it was walk on. I seem to remember the first year I did it when it came I only had the one drop, and same when I rode it abroad.
Wandered through Hyde Park this morning to the office, I am not sure if I have been past WW when it's closed but it feels very sombre !
Come on Rick...you know all too well that the capital is a glowing rich exception in our grand nation.
Ten year successful local bistro just gone bust round here...no customers anymore apart from weekends, and costs have increased by 80%.
...and double post...whip him hard.
Come on Rick...you know all too well that the capital is a glowing rich exception in our grand nation.
Ten year successful local bistro just gone bust round here...no customers anymore apart from weekends, and costs have increased by 80%.
...and double post...whip him hard.
People travel to HPWW, don’t they? I’d assume it attracts custom from all across the country (even from abroad in some cases), so surely high attendance at HPWW won’t only come from London itself?
People travel to HPWW, don’t they? I’d assume it attracts custom from all across the country (even from abroad in some cases), so surely high attendance at HPWW won’t only come from London itself?

Also some will travel and do several London things, so a visit to WinterWonderland, shopping on Oxford Street, the museums or London Eye or Madame Tussauds.
I’m thinking of coming down to HPWW overnight on a coach from the North East mainly just to grab the cred for Olympia Looping. It’s a long way to go and it’s expensive once you get there but hey, it’s not going to come to me so I might as well go to it.
@Shaggy_Dog_ It's a long way to go and it is expensive, but it's a great ride that won't be around forever.

Plus, depending on how much time you have and how often you're in London, there are some amazing attractions and sights within spitting distance that cost nothing.
Somewhat disappointing visit to HPWW yesterday - probably the least good in the decade I have been visiting.
  • Wild Maus XXL broke down constantly while we waited and eventually, after 1 hour of stopping and starting, they evacuated the queue line around 8.30pm and the ride remained closed for the rest of the evening. We were refunded, but it is my favourite attraction at the event and it was a real shame
  • The event feels back to pre-Covid crowd levels, only with the admission fee. It was utterly heaving. I was Ok with the £7.50 entry charge for slightly quieter pathways but my god - not now
  • I bought 1 pint and 1 pint only; as prices for food and drink are extremely high - even by the event's historic levels. £10 for a Bratwurst with onions on top, £12 for a Gyros kebab - i appreciate I am probably in the minority but in these times it's just too much. I think the event will be a success this year but it does make you wonder how big the nation's credit card is going to be after this winter...
Had a fascinating BTS and talk at Winter Wonderland last night with one of the senior management team. Frustrating that Hollenblitz pulled out due to Brexit fears and costs at the port, but alas.

Hard to comment on the impact about the ticketed entrance system given a) it was a week night and b) the England match was on. Still plenty of people, but it just felt less crowded and more manageable than previous years. Managed all the creds in record time, even if being held hostage on the Santa's Train coaster.
Frustrating that Hollenblitz pulled out due to Brexit fears and costs at the port, but alas.

Fears about cost of living and disposable income leisure spend I'd understand, but throwing brexit in to change a decision announced years after brexit feels like very odd reasoning considering nothing much has changed in transportation since then.

As much as I want it here, I do wonder I it'd be the success Looping has been, with so little viewable from the oitside would people view it as another ice mountain rather than the more substantial experience it actually is?
Fears about cost of living and disposable income leisure spend I'd understand, but throwing brexit in to change a decision announced years after brexit feels like very odd reasoning considering nothing much has changed in transportation since then.

As much as I want it here, I do wonder I it'd be the success Looping has been, with so little viewable from the oitside would people view it as another ice mountain rather than the more substantial experience it actually is?

Perhaps there was another factor from their side, but they were fully committed to attending until a couple of months ago when they crunched the logistics of getting across here. Obviously, OL still makes it regardless and they say it's still worth the trip, despite the extra red tape.

I think Hollenblitz would do well. Ice Mountain had the longest queue last night, and the ops were pretty much on the ball. I'd happily see them switch it out for Hollenblitz if necessary, but they're determined to convince them to make the trip. They're hopeful for next year.
Fears about cost of living and disposable income leisure spend I'd understand, but throwing brexit in to change a decision announced years after brexit feels like very odd reasoning considering nothing much has changed in transportation since then.

As much as I want it here, I do wonder I it'd be the success Looping has been, with so little viewable from the oitside would people view it as another ice mountain rather than the more substantial experience it actually is?
New rules around transportation came into effect in February 2022, so that may be why it's relevant now.
New rules around transportation came into effect in February 2022, so that may be why it's relevant now.

Still long before it's attendance was announced, and changes weren't a surprise on this date either. Not that it really matters, it's still not here regardless of the reason!
Time Machine valleyed this morning. We were second car out and the first was empty and it failed to make it round. Interestingly they have a winch attach to the top of the lift that reaches to the lower points of the ride. We stopped on the MCBR before the sort of horseshoe curve thing.
Went to HPWW today.
Olympia Looping x2
Once in the back, which was slightly exciting but gave me a headache.
Another time in the middle, which was boring but not rough in the slightest.
Dr Archibald x1
Much better than DBGT.
Hangover x2
Very fun, but not as good as Detonator. I enjoyed how the operator messed around with people, similar to Detonator. On my first ride, he pretended it was malfunctioning and put on prayer music, and then the ride suddenly dropped.
Wilde Maus XXL x1
Forgot just how fun this is. Still the craziest ejector I have experienced.