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In the future, everyone will be an enthusiast for 15 minutes

You younguns.... eventually your time will come. At a certain point in life, drinking is no longer a choice, but a neccessity. Gotta numb the pain of reality somehow.

.... Sorry, wrong meeting.
And then, you young un, you go another decade of partying, and then your hangovers start lasting for days, and make you really ill, so you have to stop drinking to stop the pain, because your dysfunctional liver insists on it...
And then you have the two blunt choices, cut down the booze by 90%, or die in a couple of years.
I picked the former, because I don't have the lucky gene that means my liver recovers quickly.
Life gets shit when you get old.
get the fun in while you can.

Back on topic...golf wankers...are they all married with kids then?
I think Shawn has looked at the market and from his love of theme parks and traveling his turned his passion into a business and all that hard work his managed to buy there own house and still go aboard multiple times a year. I bet after they get married this year and maybe start a family next year. Shawn will still go to theme parks on his own with Charlotte taking a more lead role on the Sambrooke adventures channel.
And then, you young un, you go another decade of partying, and then your hangovers start lasting for days, and make you really ill, so you have to stop drinking to stop the pain, because your dysfunctional liver insists on it...
And then you have the two blunt choices, cut down the booze by 90%, or die in a couple of years.
I picked the former, because I don't have the lucky gene that means my liver recovers quickly.
Life gets shit when you get old.
get the fun in while you can.

Back on topic...golf wankers...are they all married with kids then?

4 kids actually, and married
Says a lot about the need to play golf
See, it is a family man thing.
So my message to all the golf wankers...serves you right for breeding!

Seemed like a good idea at the time. It’s amazing the amount of beer belly moaning middle aged men you see at the golf course all escaping home. Similar situation to when her in doors gets her hair done I guess.
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Amusingly, I was winding up a bunch of them as I mowed a few lawns next to the local course yesterday.
Perfectly timed blower.
The simple pleasures of life are the best.
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One of my favourite conversation starters...
"Oh no...not another golf wanker!"
The majority of elderly thoosies I know personally, as well as being thoosies and fond of the odd beer and full english in 'spoons...golf wankers!
I have no idea what that last sentence means?
VERY off topic.... I always assumed golf was like fishing: An excuse to get away from "the wife and kids".
Which just makes me (as a non-breeder) sad that so many people are parenting wrong.

But hey, everyone has a hobby.
Everyone is parenting wrong, but they are doing the best they can. Where was the lessons at School on how to be a parent? Just make it up as you go and hope for the best. I know their is things I could do a lot better, but I try my best, and hope that the girls turn out okay. I try and teach them to be kind to others, and hope they turn out alright.

Luckily for me, I spend more time on the Golf course with Annabelle than I do on my own, but it is nice to go without Annabelle sometimes (Just so I have a chance of winning for once :))

Luckily everyone in the family enjoys Theme Parks, and getting to experience the rides for the first time with Annabelle and Daisy, is like riding them for the first time all over again. Its the best part of being a Dad.

I always considered myself a casual enthusiast, so just a little bit more knowledgeable than quasi-enthusiasts, maybe (Sometimes Daisy has been watching the latest Disney World videos on You Tube, and she will tell me something I had no idea about. I like that she is watching theme park videos, but also cant help feel that its going to ruin some of the magic when we first go)?

I love theme parks, I love talking about the rides and experiences and I love coming along on the group trips with everyone, but I do not have the in-depth knowledge other members of the forum have, but I think that is part of what makes this community so good.

I would not say any specific you tuber has caused this, but their content along with the rise of social media making it more visible and pushed in your face has certainly helped. Everyone having access to more content that can be consumed without thinking helps, 20 years ago, you had to read through the forums to get the latest updates, now you can be browsing tik-tok\instragram\discord\facebook\x\diaspora and you could get a random theme park video thrown in, and start you down a path you did not expect (Okay, not diaspora as that has no ads, and shows everyone's feed in a chronological order. Sign up here).

What ever the cause, more people enjoying theme parks, and attending theme parks is a good thing, and will help the industry continue to grow. Without wanting to finish on a downer, I guess my closing thought on this is that it is sad that while more people are becoming quasi-enthusiasts, the actual gate figures are not increasing at the same rate?
I almost posted this in the Thorpe topic, but I think here is a better place for it.

I feel like all these youtubers that are obviously in the pocket of parks are a bit like the Lego youtubers who get sent all the half-a-thousand-pound sets for free to "review": Your opinion is worthless to me unless you paid for it with your own money.
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I follow photography and tech videos and it's the same there. Of course you're going to praise a £1500 product you've received FOR FREE. There are a few vloggers who are a bit more balanced, but most will be careful with their wording when being critical.

I usually appreciate the ones that explicitly state they've received something for free. At least you then know to be wary for any undenying love they display for whatever they are talking about.

I do find it difficult with some theme park videos when the praise stems from it being a freebie, and it's rather embarrassing when those same people will then slate a park because they are sour they didn't get the special treatment when others have.