People here posting things such as we shouldn't be speculating on what the forseeable future can be interpreted as, fail to see the point as to why we are speculating on it in the first place.
We are enthusiasts. It's what we do, and i don't think it is for anyone to criticise that, if we thought speculating on a tentative opening time or date was pointless, we simply wouldn't do it.
We all feel bad for the crash victims, however, The prohibition order had been lifted (they wouldn't be allowed to do extensive testing if it was not) and it is time for us to move on from it.
The victims have been and will continue to be well taken care of, but now they need to start damage limitation and get it running this season rather than next.
Some of us speculate about opening because we live 4 hours away and pay a lot for on site accommodation when we go to towers, which i don't want to do until i know the full ride line up is available.
is it testing again today?