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London Dungeons

I only did the original once, back in the summer of 2011. I remember it being so claustrophobic and creepy. I feel like the City Hall version is just way too open and less atmospheric.

Plus I got to experience the short lived Vengeance, I remember liking it when I was 13. I was surprised when I found out everyone hated it :tearsofjoy:
I think pandemonium was a big rotating jelly pyramid thing with projections...but that may be a big lie.
Ah right, that seems to match with something I have a photo of, a strange pyramid type rock with a devil sat on top

What was the rat exhibit? I got a note of a scene called 'Rat Torture' sounds like it might be it!

The sets for this lingered on, and you passed through them getting from Jack The Ripper (version 2) to Bloody Mary. I think the trommel was a later addition.
Was a surprise to find out that there'd been the much earlier Great Fire to the one I remember, both had the same Tom Baker voiceover, but the original Great Fire was in a different location and got totally removed when part the Dungeon got closed off by Network rail. The Guillotine show was where the newer Great Fire was later built. Youve remembered the original one well though

Im planning to make a website feature for later this year and any pictures/ video clips I have will go up on there
Really? the guillotine was in that tiny chamber that the fire ended up in‽
Guess I must have been a lot smaller back then...

Rat torture was a real thing (easily looked up, and featured in GoT I believe, if you want details). There was definately a waxwork depicting this somewhere. The only live rats I recall were added in later years, before the mirror maze preshow. Of course, being a keeper of pet rats myself, this was always an entertaining area for me. ;)

I didn't mention Jack The Ripper version 1, on the assumption that it wasn't really that long ago, so I assumed people would be familiar with it. Don't recall much about it other than the fireball getting smaller each time, if it ever worked at all.

But how many people here remember the original layout of the boat ride, with it's vertical lift / turntable combo? Presumably removed for reliability, as it often seemed to be out of order before the retrack. A real shame, as the traditional lift ramp that replaced it took up about 2/3 of the original, much longer river section.
Really? the guillotine was in that tiny chamber that the fire ended up in‽
Guess I must have been a lot smaller back then..
Guillotine was quite a big chamber, maybe they built the sets up more for the later Fire show or the bit youre thinking of might be the smaller Fire preshow room?

My mum went to the London Dungeon in the mid-1980s, and she says that she remembers Dr Cripping from when she went in that era. That was the only thing she could really remember.
That must have been Madame Tussauds Chamber of Horrors
Hey guys! I remember most of the times I went to the Dungeons apart from the first time. However these memories are only from August 2010 and after :(
But yeah, there’s a channel called GuilfordGhost on Youtube who uploaded a video of the Guilotine and he explains it’s the Great Fire Room too. It makes sense looking at the screen but I must’ve also been a wimpy little kid @DiogoJ42 as I saw the room on the plan you uploaded and also remember it being bigger. Shows how good they were at cramming things together and making them look bigger. As annoying as Merlin are, they have..... I mean had talent. Until County Yawn.
For the people who said they thought Tryant was going to end, the boat ride has now disappeared from the website so I believe it has. Any theories on if it will be replaced?
For the people who said they thought Tryant was going to end, the boat ride has now disappeared from the website so I believe it has. Any theories on if it will be replaced?
As far as I'm aware it's only been removed because of COVID. All Dungeons attractions have had shows removed.
But yeah, there’s a channel called GuilfordGhost on Youtube who uploaded a video of the Guilotine and he explains it’s the Great Fire Room too.
The later Great Fire, there was an earlier one in the 80s which was in a different location, before Guillotine that space wasn't used for much :)

Shows how good they were at cramming things together and making them look bigger. As annoying as Merlin are, they have..... I mean had talent. Until County Yawn.
Guillotine was built before Merlin became involved, Merlin didn't start building their own London Dungeon shows/attractions until around 2009 ish (even then they often contract the design). But yes it was a big task cramming so much in the original location! You'd have no idea where you were!
Hi, weird question but does anyone have any information about the giant gargoyle in the entrance to the Dungeon or what happened to it when the Tooley Street location shut down?
Jesus! Thank you so much, I didn’t know if I’d ever find out where these went! It’s so good that they’re still being used then, thank you :)
Quite good that, he got the money :) You can see the set a lot more than in real life here which is quite interesting, in real life it’s kinda crowded so it was cool to get a better look
I'm so pleased that the guy won the money, it goes to show how difficult doing a performance is. As someone myself who has been a professional performer for over 30 years, even a 20 minute performance on stage can really take up a lot of energy. Some of my shows use to be anything from a few minutes to 45 minutes long. Many a times I would come of stage with sweat dripping off my face.

There is more to a performance than just simply learning lines. Timings, lights effects, sound effects, know how to stand, move etc.. many things to consider and get just right. I've studied my craft for many years including the stagecraft side, I also had a great mentor, an escapologist name Alan Alan, who was the first escape artist to do the straight jacket escape hang upside down with a burning rope. A lot of people thought it was Harry Houdini that did the burning rope straight jacket escape, but Houdini never did any escapes involving fire, he mainly did escapes involving water.

More on my mentor Alan Alan can be found here
