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Low Budget Improvements


TS Member
(Splitting this into its own thread as General Discussion moves quickly)

It’s no secret that standards have slipped, and as much as we all have a long list of improvements we’d like to see, I’m more curious at what people would suggest happen as low budget improvements to the park?

Forget new rides, I’m thinking really small changes that would overall impact the day in a positive way :

Entrance Experience
Security searches are here to stay, and yet were years and years into temporary tents at the Entrance Plaza. Replace these with a permanent trellis structure. Nothing fancy, but create a more permanent solution to this eyesore.


Play Structures
Rides are expensive, but something that kids LOVE and is far cheaper are play structures. These barely need to be themed but would create an immediate improvement for families visiting the park. I would suggest one be added near Galactica’s plaza, one in Dark Forest where Ug Swinger used to be. This would give those too small for the headline attractions something to do while older siblings do the coasters. Merlin just added a play park at Thorpe so similar could be done at Towers


Single Rider Queues
Another quality of life improvement, SR queues returning to major attractions could work well to increase capacity and operations across the park. We already know Spinball is having one installed this week, but who’s to say they will stop there ? Spinball is closing as I assume the new line will be in the ride area, but other coasters could have SRQ reinstated or added without a ride closure. Maybe the plan is to get more up and running for Scarefest, but if this isn’t the plan they should try and use the closed season to figure out how to implement this on Galactica, Nemesis Reborn, and Oblivion as a minimum. It would be great to have on Thirteen and Rita too, but as 2 across seating it wouldn’t make as much difference

Would love to hear more of any low cost improvements you’d like to see!
(Splitting this into its own thread as General Discussion moves quickly)

It’s no secret that standards have slipped, and as much as we all have a long list of improvements we’d like to see, I’m more curious at what people would suggest happen as low budget improvements to the park?

Forget new rides, I’m thinking really small changes that would overall impact the day in a positive way :

Entrance Experience
Security searches are here to stay, and yet were years and years into temporary tents at the Entrance Plaza. Replace these with a permanent trellis structure. Nothing fancy, but create a more permanent solution to this eyesore.


Play Structures
Rides are expensive, but something that kids LOVE and is far cheaper are play structures. These barely need to be themed but would create an immediate improvement for families visiting the park. I would suggest one be added near Galactica’s plaza, one in Dark Forest where Ug Swinger used to be. This would give those too small for the headline attractions something to do while older siblings do the coasters. Merlin just added a play park at Thorpe so similar could be done at Towers


Single Rider Queues
Another quality of life improvement, SR queues returning to major attractions could work well to increase capacity and operations across the park. We already know Spinball is having one installed this week, but who’s to say they will stop there ? Spinball is closing as I assume the new line will be in the ride area, but other coasters could have SRQ reinstated or added without a ride closure. Maybe the plan is to get more up and running for Scarefest, but if this isn’t the plan they should try and use the closed season to figure out how to implement this on Galactica, Nemesis Reborn, and Oblivion as a minimum. It would be great to have on Thirteen and Rita too, but as 2 across seating it wouldn’t make as much difference

Would love to hear more of any low cost improvements you’d like to see!
I believe that Thirteen is having an SRQ installed imminently and it will return to Galactica next year (ambulant RAP now merge with Fastrack instead of using the old SRQ, probably testing how that works first).
I believe that Thirteen is having an SRQ installed imminently and it will return to Galactica next year (ambulant RAP now merge with Fastrack instead of using the old SRQ, probably testing how that works first).
Great to hear ! Curious where they’ll fit Th13teen’s but I assume they’ll use the left side of the split after baggage. Oblivion may also get one with the rumoured station redo which puts us in a great position
Great to hear ! Curious where they’ll fit Th13teen’s but I assume they’ll use the left side of the split after baggage. Oblivion may also get one with the rumoured station redo which puts us in a great position
Yeah I believe singles will go up the old Fastrack side with everyone else going up the old main queue side (everyone currently goes up the Fastrack side). Not sure if they'll add a third lane up to merge or combine ambulant RAP and Fastrack though. The former would require more effort but work better in my opinion.
The paddling pool used to be great in summer too.
Cheap easy fun for the little uns...and for the old gits to soak their ankles...as my mum did all those years ago.
A splash pad would have been perfect to compliment the original Air theming, unfortunately it’s looking like that will all be gone in favour of Phalanx next year.

A paddling pool probably won’t happen, but a splash pad somewhere on park could be great, Efteling’s water play is amazing
Continue with the permanent lighting
Remove some of the arcades for snack spots and extra seating
Generally clean everything, regularly
Keep on top of audio/gardening/special effects/lighting with suitable maintenance checklists
Continue “plussing” attractions, aiming to add one small improvement to each attraction a year
We don’t need signage on everything…
It’s meant to be a “theme” park, where all aspects fit the theme of the ride or area

Introduce decent quality snacks to each area (churros/dole whip/chips w condiments/nachos/hot dogs)

Beautify the entrance plaza.
A fountain, festoon lighting, permanent bag search structures in the Victorian style
Cover the path from the car parks
Improve pathways from accommodation to monorail/FV entrance/walking route

Relocate driving school here with improved theming

Towers Street:
Theme towers trading to look like a victorian shop/sweet shop not Woolworths
Keep the frogs in good condition
Expand corner coffee into box office
Move box office further up TS
Reopen TS family restaurant as sit down restaurant

Mutiny Bay:
Bring back theming structure near the entrance (was previously panning for gold)
Remove pirates quest for indoor play area and seating

Katanga Canyon:
Make sure planting is cut back and sign is visible
Remove the stupid pathway fencing by the bridge
Remove the fencing by RMT/Rapids valley
Remove games stall
Add in snack stall

Gloomy Wood:
Keep the smoke machine filled
Modify the “Emily” window to something that isn’t a black cut out. A backlit shape behind material/lace would look far more effective.
Add some theming around toilet block
Permanent lighting along length of haunted hollow

Add covered seating in place of games stalls down from food area
Less/better quality seating in ground command
Covered seating/play area in air plaza

Clear out all the ponds
Cut back overgrown foliage
Add lamposts to main paths without suitable lighting
Add iron gates to close in darker hours/winter

Dark Forest:
Demolish everything except 13 and start again

Reopen cinema
Theme burger kitchen,
Internally and externally.
Add in booth seating.
Decide what area/theme it should be in (just copy the diner at Paultons)
Bring forward entrance arch to fountain square so people know it’s a ride area
Reopen Nick 4D as cafe/indoor play area
Restablish “street” theming
Remove the driving school

Remove smiler extended queue on entrance path
Cut back trees to show off oblivion drop
Remove smiler game booth
Reintroduce oblivion shop
Replace arcade with coffee shop

Replace arcade with new lake facing event space
Use as coffee area for non corporate days

Expand lunch box with coffee shop
Add driving school
Add Xmas buildings
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A splash pad would have been perfect to compliment the original Air theming, unfortunately it’s looking like that will all be gone in favour of Phalanx next year.

A paddling pool probably won’t happen, but a splash pad somewhere on park could be great, Efteling’s water play is amazing

Efteling and Paultons seem to do it well.

Removing Spinball would make a great place and adding a new “water” area and Mack twist n splash
Excellent topic this and some of the suggestions are spot on. It’s definitely true to say that the park suffers from a lack of diversions from the headline attractions. CBeebies Land does this a little and Old MacDonald’s Farm perhaps did it even better - the animals and barn were lovely distractions.

Playgrounds are definitely a good fix to address the current issue of most areas being a “silo” for one particular demographic. There’s some great opportunities for themed play structures in some of those thrill areas, especially X-Sector and Forbidden Valley, neither of which are immediately adjacent to any family rides and currently require smaller thoosies to either split up from the party or wait without any distractions for the more grown up members of the party to ride.

It seems like such an obvious fix, but it’s been an issue for so long.
I definitely feel the playgrounds, funhouses or mirror mazes would be a fantastic idea to add something for families to do besides the coasters. This is a massive opportunity they could do as a quick and low risk investment.

I think having something different for each could work very well and there's plenty of opportunities to do theming for it.

Here's my thoughts on what they could do for most areas besides Cbeebies Land.

Munity Bay: Whilst predictable, it could be a fantastic place for a sand or water themed play structure. Whilst cliché, a pirate ship play structure is simple and effective for that area.

Katanga Canyon: With this area, that's a fantastic opportunity to do a adventure trail like at Phantasialand or Amazu at Chessington. It would be very effective and can be integrated with the Rapids and RMT.

Gloomy Wood: Possibly room for a small play structure but I don't think it would work in that area.

Forbidden Valley: this would be a fantastic opportunity for something in that area if there is room. I think a traditional structure much like Tidal Towers is effective (especially for slightly older ones - 6 plus).

Adventure Land: this could possibly have a traditional play structure but isn't needed for this area so much.

X Sector: I'd love to see one of those structures that they have at Toverland (Sim sa la Klim) where it's a climbing wall like structure with a slide at the top.

Dark Forest: I think either a adventure trail or a traditional structure would work well. A splash pad could be another option.

Walliams World and Driving School area: With this, I don't think it needs anything traditional however I'd go with a Mirror Maze and a Funhouse in that area. The Nickelodeon building is a fantastic opportunity for either one of those or both incorporated into one.

Towers Street or around the Towers: I think a traditional structure might work there. I'd also think a soft play area could work in the empty area to the right of the entrance (if not at Cbeebies). A Mirror Maze could work too.
I would like to see more things to do that don’t involve guests having to queue. So agree with the playground ideas completely.

Also think there should be a push for more indoor or undercover non-queue attractions for the colder months or rainy days.

I also think it’s important that staff are not required, because we all know what happens when times get tough - towers get cutting - and so anything ‘low value’ that requires staff gets shuttered. So to future proof any small new additions they should require little to no need to be regularly staffed.

I would like to see a small museum somewhere on the park - a bit like they have at Efteling but I suspect no where near as grand. (https://www.efteling.com/en/park/attractions/efteling-museum)

But somewhere that showcases some of the history of the theme park and estate with perhaps some plans and items from the archives.
I would like to see more things to do that don’t involve guests having to queue. So agree with the playground ideas completely.

Also think there should be a push for more indoor or undercover non-queue attractions for the colder months or rainy days.

I also think it’s important that staff are not required, because we all know what happens when times get tough - towers get cutting - and so anything ‘low value’ that requires staff gets shuttered. So to future proof any small new additions they should require little to no need to be regularly staffed.

I would like to see a small museum somewhere on the park - a bit like they have at Efteling but I suspect no where near as grand. (https://www.efteling.com/en/park/attractions/efteling-museum)

But somewhere that showcases some of the history of the theme park and estate with perhaps some plans and items from the archives.

Didn’t they used to have a museum.

Even the model railway coming back would provide a welcome break.
They did.
Scary stuffed animals wildlife museum, that gave me recurring nightmares, originally by the corkscrew, and a lengthy boring family history museum style room behind or close to the original gift shop, at right angles to it, sort of opposite the model railway entrance.
Think it might have been in the Credo room.

getting rid of the model railway was such a shame.
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