Just to return to the subject of staff being rude to guests, it's such a shame that such an easy to fix operational decision has tainted so many peoples opinion of the ride.
Speaking from personal experience I wonder if that was always part of the rides design, or was mistranslated in the development phase.
I've worked on a number of projects that have had features not turn out the way they were intended. Sometimes it's because I've added a really helpful little feature that a contractor has not understood, removed, and then found later on it's caused them all sorts of issues they wouldn't have had if they'd just left it in.
Or I've been working with a park and found that after handover they've made multiple changes (to be fair to them, not always bad ones), but sometimes they've completely missed the original intent.
People have a habit of trying to stick to what they know when a new concept is introduced. It takes a lot of work to get everyone on board with a new idea.
I wonder if (and this is pure speculation from this point onwards) the operations brief for Sub-Terra was for the staff to act like "military personnel". But when that brief was handed to the operational team they thought "sounds like Scare Maze actors, ok, we'll instruct staff to shout command's". Which was further mistranslated by individual staff to include insults. After all this is a "Scare Maze" style experience in their mind.
If I remember correctly the way staff acted was toned down at points during the rides life. But I worry that as the shouting version is the one people remember it might be the one that returns.