Interesting how so many people are sticking up for big businesses when Labour bring in an increase to employers’ NI contributions, yet back in 2021 when the Tories increased workers’ NI contributions, I barely heard anyone stick up for the workers. Mad double standards.
In 2021, not only were workers’ NI contributions increased, the operators of theme parks such as Oakwood and Adventure Island (the two currently moaning about this change) had their VAT rates cut to less than half what it normally would be.
Did the owners of Oakwood, or Philip Miller of Adventure Island, use the money that they saved from the VAT cut to give their staff a pay rise in order to offset the money the employees would have lost through Rishi Sunak increasing their employee NI contributions? Of course they didn’t. They just enjoyed the extra profits. Now they’re expecting sympathy from the public when their employer NI contributions get put up? Well they don’t get an ounce of sympathy from me.
My sympathies are with the workers who’ve lost their jobs.
Oakwood’s fate is due to 17 years of under-investment from Aspro. If a multi million euro company like Aspro can’t afford to pay their staff properly, then they should be selling the park to an operator who can. But I imagine they won’t want to do that, as they’d rather relocate the rides to their other parks and sell the Oakwood land off for non-leisure developments. Again it’s the staff I feel sorry for.