I think going after Oakwood specifically in this regard would be unfair. Theme parks being reliant on lowly paid roles is industry-wide, and to be honest, I don’t think it’s only theme parks that do it; it’s the whole hospitality industry. Oakwood/Aspro were not exactly an outlier in this sense.
I don’t think anyone is saying that the NI and minimum wage increases are the sole cause of Oakwood’s demise, but I can certainly believe that they could have been the straw that broke the camel’s back after many years of stagnation. If you’re just about managing, as Oakwood had been for a number of years, any rise in expenses could be the difference between just about staying afloat and going under.
Don’t get me wrong it isn’t just aimed at Oakwood I just think it illustrates to the problem that the minute theres a move to anything approaching a fair wage you start seeing companies failing.