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Oblivion: General Discussion

I don’t want a bit nemmy rebo style reboot- I don’t think they’ve got the budget- but I generally think a good spruce up would really help. As a few of said the 90s nostalgia is back in- Towers should capitalise on this!

My to do list would be
- get rid of the tree lime off the station - a good old go round with the jetwasher
- sort out any structural issues with the station if the rumours are true
- get rid of that awful Pete Cliff phones and camera announcement that plays every time they open the air gates
- sort out the inside parts of the queue line- getting some polish out and getting rid of the spider webs would be a start! Some orange stripes or something could give it a refresh!
- put in proper queueline dividers so people don’t queue jump from fastrack into normal.
Queue line video 3 - put this iconic video back in the queueline
- get rid of that edit on the final station video that happened after the crash.
- make sure all the TVs are working/ on the right hdmi!
Get rid of the tree lime with the jetwasher...easy to say, not easy to do on the cheap...and needs doing every three months.
The ride needs a scrub up, nothing more...putting back as it was.
This topic is like closed season come early.
I think the future of X-Sector should go more down the “Mad Scientists” route. With every ride being some different science experiment from different eras of history.

The Smiler would basically remain the same (refresh ofc) but with other Ministry of Joy theming added around the area with ‘50s style theming. Retheme Just Chicken to an American Dinner complete with a warped chequered floor and MoJ theming features. Keep the 90’s style of Oblivion but have it themed more towards existentialism, with some sort of whacky armchair philosophy professor behind it all.

Have some Ancient Greece-style statues dotted around the area of the various figures that designed the experiments, in a way that harkens towards the grey/brutalist theme the area has going for it. Obviously goes without saying, but new flat rides to replace Enterprise and Submission. I thought Mixtape would have suited the aesthetic of X-Sector had it had a different soundtrack and a reskin, also perfect part of the park if they ever brought a Nebulaz.

Sinister and authoritarian VIBES should definitely remain, but save the “disaster zone” concept for Forbidden Valley now. X-Sector can afford to pop a bit more with colour without looking atrociously garish like Walliams does.