Or maybe due to the lack of lightingMaybe, but I imagine the reason for the 7pm CBeebies close in Scarefest is because that part of the park quietens down early on because many guests with young children leave the park as it gets dark due to the perception that is when the more scary elements come to life.
Bright summer evenings don’t result in the same guest behaviour.
You'd be surprised how popular this is out of the summer months. At Scarefest last year I took great delight in using the £1 guns on the riders (they are much more satisfying!) and my justification was that if they're mad enough to go in it on a chilly October afternoon, then they won't mind getting soaking wet - and believe me, many did because lots of other people were on the guns too!!I honestly think that the park could get away with running Battle Galleons seasonally, if they ever wanted to save money; I don’t think I’ve ever seen it with riders on it outside of the hot summer months. I think it would make little difference if the ride only opened between, say, May half term and the end of the summer holidays, possibly with the option to open up on days outside of this if the temperature exceeds a certain amount.
I’m honestly staggered that the ride is viable to run outside of the summer months given the virtually non-existent crowds even when the park is busy!
Welcome to TS, you've certainly come to the right place to phsych yourself up for your visit!Hi) I'm going to visit this wonderful place soon, I can't wait))) A couple of weeks to go!!
As long as they are clear and upfront about it there isn’t a huge issue if certain rides operate on a shorter schedule, particularly things like Battle Galleons that won’t be busy on certain days.What's with all the discussion about shutting some rides early?
That's one of my bugbears about the pleasure beach, when you know the park closes at 5pm, and it's 4pm and you think "I'm going to go for a ride on the Grand National", only to find it closed for the day.
Isn't it best to just to have queues close at park close times? You know where you are then.
Not for long though hopefully, it's the summer hols soon.Currently the park is scheduled to return to 4pm closes on Monday, in less than 4 days’ time.
Currently the park is scheduled to return to 4pm closes on Monday, in less than 4 days’ time.
I strongly suspect all the 4pm closes will be extended.
Had this problem last Thursday on a 5:30 close, we stayed until 6:30 on the lawns, would've brought a Just Chicken after we got off The Smiler about 6pm, but it was closed. So we thought we'd get something from the units on the lawns, closed as well. So we settled for a wrap and panini from Corner Coffee, but they're really missing a trick!There seriously is appetite for people to stay beyond the 5pm days on a weekday at present. It does feel unusually busy; I suspect this is down to people having a lot of annual leave rolled over from last year which needs to be used up by a certain time and noone going abroad at present.
The catering vans on the lawns were taking full advantage for at least an hour after ride close - there were people in their hundreds, myself included. Meanwhile the Towers F&B were well and truly shuttered.
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And people said it might not happen. It was bound to happen. Its not a risk booking a 4pm close that realistically was never going to be a 4pm closeAll the 4pm closes for July have now been extended. 5pm Mon to Thurs and either 6pm or 7pm Fridays depending on the date.
All the 4pm closes for July have now been extended. 5pm Mon to Thurs and either 6pm or 7pm Fridays depending on the date.
Honestly I expected to see blanket 7pm closes once the school holidays kick in. I'm sure hours for later in July are still under consideration.