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Paultons Park: General Discussion

When Paulton's announced Project Pillage the tease indicated an inverted steel coaster. They were quick to say that no one, as of then, had correctly guessed the manufacturer either.

I think we could safely rule out Vekoma and Mack, given the park already has rides by those companies. RMC is a thoosie's wet dream, so that's nipped in the bud. Intamin seems like a good shout but, along with B&M, it's likely that these manufacturers were rumoured at the time (which rules them out of the running).

S&S anyone?
How about Premier Rides? Ice Breaker looks like something that could work at Paulton’s and it’s definitely not one of the usual names that gets mentioned.
When Paulton's announced Project Pillage the tease indicated an inverted steel coaster. They were quick to say that no one, as of then, had correctly guessed the manufacturer either.

I think we could safely rule out Vekoma and Mack, given the park already has rides by those companies. RMC is a thoosie's wet dream, so that's nipped in the bud. Intamin seems like a good shout but, along with B&M, it's likely that these manufacturers were rumoured at the time (which rules them out of the running).

S&S anyone?
Has anyone suggested Golden Horse yet?
What about Chance Rides, and a ride like Lightning Run? Would be quite unique as only the second of its kind in the world and if it has an inversion would also be the first of its model with an inversion.
What about Chance Rides, and a ride like Lightning Run? Would be quite unique as only the second of its kind in the world and if it has an inversion would also be the first of its model with an inversion.
They're currently building an inverting model themed to Hot Wheels in that Mattel Park in Arizona that constantly seems to be opening next year. Also a second park has been announced in Kansas City. So they certainly now offer an inverting model.
There were rumours of a number of UK parks looking at an Intamin Hot racer. I could see one of those at Poultons as it doesn't require alot of height and could have a couple of inversions without being anything too extreme.
Good Shout 👏 A Hot Racer would be fantastic, a dueling one would be better for capacity.

With this project, I'm sure Paultons will surprise us and break the ceiling of how extreme and intense they can go.

Back when RTH was announced, I'm sure people would've said that was too extreme for Plopsa. Similar with Fenix at Toverland.
I think a B&M is slightly out of their reach.
Paultons generally prefer mid-range manufacturers and standard layouts to save money allowing them to invest more on theming and the wider area. They also would be foolish to spend too much on entering what is to them uncharted waters risking an expensive flop.
Could they afford a B&M?
I think a B&M is slightly out of their reach.
Paultons generally prefer mid-range manufacturers and standard layouts to save money allowing them to invest more on theming and the wider area. They also would be foolish to spend too much on entering what is to them uncharted waters risking an expensive flop.
I'd say it's not impossible that they'll get a B&M although they tend to go with off the shelf layouts. At some point, I'm sure a B&M of some form will come to Paultons.

I wouldn't be surprised to see the first custom layout this time.

Mack is considered one of the more expensive manufacturers alongside B&M and Intamin.

Has it actually been confirmed that its going to be a coaster? It could possibly be a large log flume which would fit the family theme that Paulton’s are going for.
It's believed to have been said at the fan event earlier this year that the next development will be in 2026 with the theme of Vikings and was teased by a promo where the logo turned upside down.

From history, it'd be incredibly likely to be a full area including a rollercoaster which was heavily hinted/implied by the promo to have at least one inversion.

In terms of a larger log flume (or a rapids), I'd say the signs are pointing towards something like that as part of the area with Raging River being moved on as we speak.

With the theme being Vikings, it'd be perfect, tried and tested for a water ride as quite a few existing flumes and rapids that are Viking themed.
This time five years ago, if you’d suggested Chessington getting a B&M, we’d have all said no way.

Paultons could get one, but whether or not it would be the right decision is another question. Mandrill was a strange decision for Chessington, and since Paultons make a big deal in their marketing about having “super short queues” as they put it, installing something as low capacity as Mandrill would be something they’d want to steer clear of.

The only two B&M family coasters I’ve been on are Mandrill and the Family Inverted Coaster at Happy Valley Shanghai. Both are similar to rides which Paultons already have, and a B&M thrill coaster is something which would be really out of place at Paultons and wouldn’t really do them any favours given that they’ve established a really good reputation and customer base with their current demographic, something which I doubt they’d want to change.
they’ve established a really good reputation and customer base with their current demographic, something which I doubt they’d want to change.
At the announcement for Project Pillage, they said that they wanted to have people grow up with the park, to keep them coming back. Installing a more thrilling inverted coaster is exactly the sort of thing they want to do, to change, adapt and evolve, and be a park that people don't outgrow.
With the theme being Vikings, it'd be perfect, tried and tested for a water ride
An indoor Intamin flume, themed around viking boats and the journey to the beyond might work well. Surprised it hasn't been done before.
Paultons could get one, but whether or not it would be the right decision is another question. Mandrill was a strange decision for Chessington, and since Paultons make a big deal in their marketing about having “super short queues” as they put it, installing something as low capacity as Mandrill would be something they’d want to steer clear of.

Are the throughputs at Paultons high? The 3 main coasters all run on 1 train (though they are shorter rides). Perhaps @Matt N has some data?

I always get the impression the shorter queues are achieved through reliability, breadth of choice and park capacity rather than any rides being particularly high capacity.

The operations actually tend to be quite slow due to the large amount of young children boarding rides in my experience.

Though I do agree that if they’re adding a ride aimed at an older demographic then starting at a low capacity wouldn’t be ideal.

Also in CWOA defence I think they’ve been somewhat vindicated in the choice of Mandrill as the ride rarely has a queue over 40 minutes and is often much less.
Are the throughputs at Paultons high? The 3 main coasters all run on 1 train (though they are shorter rides). Perhaps @Matt N has some data?

I always get the impression the shorter queues are achieved through reliability, breadth of choice and park capacity rather than any rides being particularly high capacity.

The operations actually tend to be quite slow due to the large amount of young children boarding rides in my experience.

Though I do agree that if they’re adding a ride aimed at an older demographic then starting at a low capacity wouldn’t be ideal.

Also in CWOA defence I think they’ve been somewhat vindicated in the choice of Mandrill as the ride rarely has a queue over 40 minutes and is often much less.
I’ve only been to Paultons once, and 3 years ago at that, but when I went, no coaster got a throughput higher than Storm Chaser on 2 trains, at about 600-700pph. All of the others were only hitting around 500pph (on Pterosaur, in fact, I even remember the operator calling out “500” as the hourly capacity!).

I could have gone on a bad day, but from my experience, I didn’t think that the throughputs and operations at Paultons Park were anything especially exceptional, and the short queues were more down to lack of people riding the bigger coasters than any particularly brilliant operations. They weren’t bad ops by any stretch of the imagination, and they didn’t need to be anything outstanding by virtue of lack of crowds, but they weren’t particularly top-tier either. Storm Chaser is the only coaster at the park that even runs 2 full-size trains, so a lot of the coasters at Paultons have an intrinsic lack of capacity and would probably suffer if the park got greater guest numbers.
From history, it'd be incredibly likely to be a full area including a rollercoaster which was heavily hinted/implied by the promo to have at least one inversion.

In terms of a larger log flume (or a rapids), I'd say the signs are pointing towards something like that as part of the area with Raging River being moved on as we speak.

With the theme being Vikings, it'd be perfect, tried and tested for a water ride as quite a few existing flumes and rapids that are Viking themed.
I was at the event and there was lots of noise after about RMC and Intamin but I can't see that happening. I am not reading too much into the whole logo thing as I know Lawrence Mancey likes to wind people up with smokescreens. Personally I am hoping for a Chiapas style log flume. I think a coaster with an inversion is okay as long as there is plenty of airtime. There is not enough airtime in the UK and a surplus of inversions.
I’ve only been to Paultons once, and 3 years ago at that, but when I went, no coaster got a throughput higher than Storm Chaser on 2 trains, at about 600-700pph. All of the others were only hitting around 500pph (on Pterosaur, in fact, I even remember the operator calling out “500” as the hourly capacity!).

I could have gone on a bad day, but from my experience, I didn’t think that the throughputs and operations at Paultons Park were anything especially exceptional, and the short queues were more down to lack of people riding the bigger coasters than any particularly brilliant operations. They weren’t bad ops by any stretch of the imagination, and they didn’t need to be anything outstanding by virtue of lack of crowds, but they weren’t particularly top-tier either. Storm Chaser is the only coaster at the park that even runs 2 full-size trains, so a lot of the coasters at Paultons have an intrinsic lack of capacity and would probably suffer if the park got greater guest numbers.

This is why Paulton's cap the capacity, to keep the queues low and the park easy to enjoy.
I’ve only been to Paultons once, and 3 years ago at that, but when I went, no coaster got a throughput higher than Storm Chaser on 2 trains, at about 600-700pph. All of the others were only hitting around 500pph (on Pterosaur, in fact, I even remember the operator calling out “500” as the hourly capacity!).

I could have gone on a bad day, but from my experience, I didn’t think that the throughputs and operations at Paultons Park were anything especially exceptional, and the short queues were more down to lack of people riding the bigger coasters than any particularly brilliant operations. They weren’t bad ops by any stretch of the imagination, and they didn’t need to be anything outstanding by virtue of lack of crowds, but they weren’t particularly top-tier either. Storm Chaser is the only coaster at the park that even runs 2 full-size trains, so a lot of the coasters at Paultons have an intrinsic lack of capacity and would probably suffer if the park got greater guest numbers.

I know we've discussed this previously as i wasn't even aware StormChaser could run on 2 trains till you mentioned it but i've only ever seen it run on 1 and even then the queue is typically very short (which is presumably why it's only on 1 train most of the time). Will probably go at some point over the summer so will keep an eye out for it being on 2 in peak period!

Anyway, based on those numbers Mandrill would be the highest capacity coaster so i think there's a good argument they have free reign to install whatever they want in that regard.

Sounds like Paulton's are very aware of these considerations with their park planning so i have full faith they won't be adding rides and opening up 60 minute queues.
Currently, Paultons have 7 coasters on park, the only thing they're really missing in that line-up is a family thrill with perhaps a whippy layout, launch or inversion. Lawrence did state at the event (as raised by @GooseOnTheLoose ) that they want their fans to be able to grow with the park and did allude that the new investment would be their most thrilling yet. He has thrown out rumours of an RMC both at the event and on Twitter but a wooden coaster would really compliment their current offering! I can't look past the fact that the teaser was a steel logo within a wooden frame! 😂

With their most recent investment being a flume, although a smaller version, do we think they would go for another so soon? Could Raging River being up for sale indicate there are future plans to add a more 'thrilling' water ride in the future? I wouldn't rule it out but I'm not sure this is the next investment 🤔 Love the above musings though! 😍 I could see them relocating a couple of the rides currently elsewhere (Viking Boats, maybe Kontiki) to the 'Project Pillage' area... this would make it completely boat heavy if a flume was added too 😂 I can't wait for some more details to be released - they did suggest there would be future fan events, hopefully there will be one for the Ghostly Manor launch that will also give some more teasers for 2026!
With their most recent investment being a flume, although a smaller version, do we think they would go for another so soon? Could Raging River being up for sale indicate there are future plans to add a more 'thrilling' water ride in the future? I wouldn't rule it out but I'm not sure this is the next investment 🤔 Love the above musings though! 😍 I could see them relocating a couple of the rides currently elsewhere (Viking Boats, maybe Kontiki) to the 'Project Pillage' area... this would make it completely boat heavy if a flume was added too 😂 I can't wait for some more details to be released - they did suggest there would be future fan events, hopefully there will be one for the Ghostly Manor launch that will also give some more teasers for 2026!
Personally, I think Splash Lagoon isn't designed or intended to be the park's primary replacement for Raging River and it may not have been intended to close so soon after opening. I believe it is meant to complement something bigger on it's way.

With capacity, I'd see Splash Lagoon having long queues much like how River Rafts (same model) has.

I can see them getting another flume soon after Splash Lagoon however it'd be more likely to be more substantial (similar to Viking Voyage at Emerald Park) with a backwards drop than a classic log flume if anything.

I personally think a water ride will be part of the development however whether that's a flume, rapids or shoot the chute is a different matter. I believe Water Coaster might've been ruled out.
An indoor Intamin flume, themed around viking boats and the journey to the beyond might work well. Surprised it hasn't been done before.
That describes Valhalla very well. 😅 Vikings as a theme for water rides is a very well trodden one.

Especially with Viking Voyage at Emerald Park and Ragnarok at Tusenfryd as well as Valhalla.

Valhalla is a masterpiece (when it works) and I'd love to see something similar down south👌