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Paultons Park: General Discussion

Paultons Park’s 2023 accounts were released at the end of July, for anyone interested: https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/...6a8f99649100efc8a41080ab18212d010472ead42f2fb
(I’m not sure why the link is so long…)

In terms of headline figures, the park made a profit of £4,865,970 after tax in 2023. This is decreased compared to 2022, where they made £6,436,446 after tax, and 2021, where they made £12,399,923 after tax. Cost of living pressures are cited as a key impediment to the business in 2023, along with the weather.
Think it's a safe bet to say the log flume won't be returning; it's been removed from the website and its individual ride page now redirects back to the main rides page.
I still got the app from my visit 2 weeks ago and it’s listed to reopen on the 10th Nov which I doubt it will for there Christmas event.
It will be removed after the main reason has finished.
What is this referring to?

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Well, you have your smoke effect for the volcano on George's dinosaur adventure, and you have the smoke effect on Splash lagoon. Then you have 1 smell pod in the station for barnyard flyer on exit side at the far back of the station which does the Wickerman smell (the same one used in the station of Wickerman) and it is there because of the septic tanks in the field behind barnyard flyer
Paultons Park’s 2023 accounts were released at the end of July, for anyone interested: https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/document-api-images-live.ch.gov.uk/docs/pvUVPwToHo-lynq_xnii2y8pJ_5R8O8WrmApIbwBdhw/application-pdf?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=ASIAWRGBDBV3KVD4CVYO/20240806/eu-west-2/s3/aws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20240806T192022Z&X-Amz-Expires=60&X-Amz-Security-Token=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&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&response-content-disposition=inline;filename="02029374_aa_2024-07-25.pdf"&X-Amz-Signature=79f9209822f8d4de6936a8f99649100efc8a41080ab18212d010472ead42f2fb
(I’m not sure why the link is so long…)

In terms of headline figures, the park made a profit of £4,865,970 after tax in 2023. This is decreased compared to 2022, where they made £6,436,446 after tax, and 2021, where they made £12,399,923 after tax. Cost of living pressures are cited as a key impediment to the business in 2023, along with the weather.

Hi - the link doesn’t work for me

So here it is incase others have the same issue

Bit late to respond but looking at those images, I'm feeling that the queueline alone will look better than Alton Manor's which I'm looking forward to seeing.

And in it's current state, it's like Hyperia's queueline which Merlin saw and said 'job done!'

Alton Manors Que goes through an actual forest and heritage rubble separated in its own land within the forest? It’s actually done really well with all the grave stones, statues, smoke effect, audio and additional theming I’m not sure they will be able to top that to be honest. AT very fortune with its setting and gothic landscape, especially when you think you have the addition of hauntedHollow which leads up to Gloomy woods. Looking at Paultons sparse foot print I’m not sure it will look better as you stated but I do think it will look really good nether the less!

I’m really looking forward to this ride.
Paulton’s and Alton’s theming can’t be compared as with the size of Alton every area theming feels like your in a different area and Paulton’s theming is top notch but every area is right next to each other and it spoils it a bit seeing a 1950’s American themed area right next to Peppa pig and sandwiched in between a area with mis match of rides from the park’s original days. Paulton’s can’t help this with the size of the park and I doubt they would have been this popular as before Peppa pig world was installed I had never heard of the park but I was the same with Thorpe park to the Tussaud’s group brought them.
Paulton’s and Alton’s theming can’t be compared as with the size of Alton every area theming feels like your in a different area and Paulton’s theming is top notch but every area is right next to each other and it spoils it a bit seeing a 1950’s American themed area right next to Peppa pig and sandwiched in between a area with mis match of rides from the park’s original days. Paulton’s can’t help this with the size of the park and I doubt they would have been this popular as before Peppa pig world was installed I had never heard of the park but I was the same with Thorpe park to the Tussaud’s group brought them.
Well, I mean it I'd say it is similar to forbidden Valley with galagtica and nemesis right next to each other..
I've just seen POVs for Toutatis and Pantheon and I randomly thought that it would be fantastic to see something similar (and possibly smaller) be the headline coaster for the 2026 Viking area.

I'd say that it could really suit the park as it's signature thrill coaster with it's airtime and inversions, really put the park on the map as more than a family park and be one of, if not the best coaster(s) in the UK.

Truth be told, it's probably wishful thinking and we're more likely to see a Vekoma Space Warp (which would also fantastic for the park).

Certainly believe both types of coasters are potential possibilities for the 2026 Coaster.
Surely they are way too tall for Paultons?
A Vekoma Space Warp is the same height as Magma at 25m (82ft). Formula at Energylandia has that off the shelf layout.

Definitely agree that Pantheon and Toutatis at their heights will be too tall as I swear it's been said at the Enthusiast Event in May that they can't build a coaster at 150ft.

Something closer to 100 to 120ft will be more realistic depending on their upper height limit and could still be realistic for a Intamin LSM like Toutatis.

One can dream of having something like Toutatis in the UK 🤩
A Vekoma Space Warp is the same height as Magma at 25m (82ft). Formula at Energylandia has that off the shelf layout.

Definitely agree that Pantheon and Toutatis at their heights will be too tall as I swear it's been said at the Enthusiast Event in May that they can't build a coaster at 150ft.

Something closer to 100 to 120ft will be more realistic depending on their upper height limit and could still be realistic for a Intamin LSM like Toutatis.

One can dream of having something like Toutatis in the UK 🤩

Has the Ride to Happiness been a success for Plopsaland in terms of visitor numbers?

I found the parks somewhat similar, so if it has, having a signature world class thrill coaster could be a good model to imitate and increase Paulton's demographic appeal.
Something closer to 100 to 120ft will be more realistic depending on their upper height limit and could still be realistic for a Intamin LSM like Toutatis.
Taron at 98ft tall is a good example of something Paulton’s could aim for. In terms of intensity and layout it feels just about right for a park like Paulton’s.

With regards to Ride To Happiness I don’t know what effect its opening has had on visitor numbers but it absolutely did get the park being talked about by enthusiasts and gave them international exposure and make people notice them.
When Paulton's announced Project Pillage the tease indicated an inverted steel coaster. They were quick to say that no one, as of then, had correctly guessed the manufacturer either.

I think we could safely rule out Vekoma and Mack, given the park already has rides by those companies. RMC is a thoosie's wet dream, so that's nipped in the bud. Intamin seems like a good shout but, along with B&M, it's likely that these manufacturers were rumoured at the time (which rules them out of the running).

S&S anyone?