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Paultons Park: General Discussion

Send a few volts through the seat. They'll get out quick, mark my words.
I know a former ride attendant from my theme park worker days who'd scream directly in guest's faces. Definitely did get the great British public moving quicker.. with this being Mack hopefully bags can go in one of those wholesome automatically closing cages to help speed up dispatches...:laughing:
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I know a former ride attendant from my theme park worker days who'd scream directly in guest's faces. Definitely did get the great British clientele moving quicker.. with this being Mack hopefully bags can go in one of those wholesome automatically closing cages to help speed up dispatches...:laughing:
Bags will probably be able to go on ride, same as other similar stuff like Tomb Blaster, Curse at Alton Manor and almost everything at Disney.
I know a former ride attendant from my theme park worker days who'd scream directly in guest's faces. Definitely did get the great British clientele moving quicker.. with this being Mack hopefully bags can go in one of those wholesome automatically closing cages to help speed up dispatches...:laughing:
Sounds good, but it is technically an assault I believe...and told so by inspection officers.
Good to see someone being efficient by upsetting people, not a good look on a day out.
Fine to make the great British clientele moving, but simply illegal.