The whole premise that theme parks are inherently unethical haha.
There's nothing unethical about collective joy. Similar to public transport, theme parks provide a huge amount of joy for a very small amount of energy per person. Compared to say, a quad bike, which uses a lot of energy for one person's enjoyment.
They also use a miniscule amount of concrete and steel compared to almost every other industry on earth.
The only environmental problem with theme parks is how you get to them. Weirdly, Disney World is the worst for this (generating a vast number of flights which are environmentally catastrophic) while DLP are probably the best (the only park in the world I know of with a public transport link that's better than the car infrastructure).
The original premise was that fasttrack was unethical...the discussion was extended to whole world reality...but I'm glad I amused you.
There is nothing wrong with collective joy, though I sometimes prefer theme parks in my own company...nothing collective about it for some.
Public transport is essential for civilisation, for work, health and education...theme parks are only for the people that can afford them...currently less than half of the population of the UK.
Huge amounts of joy...for some...who can afford it...some of the time...when they get lucky.
Not a miniscule amount of concrete and steel...what did the new Disney multi storey weigh again, and at what cost to the planet...and theme parks just aren't an essential part of the system... they are a rich toy for those lucky enough to afford them...unlike most other industries on earth, which are needed, not wanted.
How much energy is wasted running a rapids ride 95% empty on a wet day...that in itself is an environmental problem, then times it by the number of parks.
Staff paid peanuts to do a physical job in all weathers, but hey, got to keep the share price up for the shareholders.
The whole right wing industry, pandering to the rich with its energy burning, money making schemes like fasttrack, is obviously unethical to the very core.
Good job I love coasters, but balancing a daft hobby with the rest of the world is a little tricky at times.