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Planet Coaster 2: General Discussion

The issue with PC2 is they have tried to make it console compatible which has limited game play and they are now backtracking quickly.

Honestly games like Planco are PC games, if you want to play them buy a PC!

Rant over 😂
It really annoys me we no longer have the thememakers tool kit. The items people treated for Planco 1 were brilliant and there's none of that now
The issue with PC2 is they have tried to make it console compatible which has limited game play and they are now backtracking quickly.

Honestly games like Planco are PC games, if you want to play them buy a PC!

Rant over 😂

I agree with you there. Although I've somewhat got used to the UI with all it's issues....just about. It still needs alot of work however. I am hoping there is some improvements in today's update. As my PC is on a TV, I do like being able to just sit back on the sofa with controller from time to time and just explore people's parks from the workshop. I couldn't build with a controller though.
It really annoys me we no longer have the thememakers tool kit. The items people treated for Planco 1 were brilliant and there's none of that now

We may get this at a later date. It didn't come our for Planet Coaster for 2 or 3 years. They will want to sell their own DLC first.

Although it is possible to create your own themes with the new tools, although it does take some work and skill. I've seen many themes made by people from parks on the workshop.

Here's an example, of a rather excellent looking Mexican themed park made from in game items and the new tools to modify existing themes into new ones. This is not my park.


I must say, the graphics are such an improvement. For all it's faults, this game has alot of positives for sure.

One more thing...EDIT @Steve74 sorry I did not see you already posted this.

This update drops later today.

From: https://youtu.be/tcBFIxane3A?si=9oD3W0UEFmb277x0

TLDR for anyone who doesn't want to watch.

  • Video billboards
  • Custom content for video billboards (PC only)
  • Custom audio for speakers (PC only)
  • Synchronised coasters
  • Interchangeable coaster cars
  • Notification settings (on/off)

  • Standard de-themed versions of rides: Zephyr – Junior Coaster and Valais & Nidwalden – Wing Coaster
  • Returning flat ride: Pathos III

Adjustments and enhancements
  • Guest navigation
  • Multi-select
  • Changes to in-game notifications
  • Ongoing guest, economy and management enhancements
  • Ongoing stability and performance enhancements
Plus many bug fixes which will be announced later today.
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No unthemed Vekoma launched train is disappointing.

Thememaker Toolkit was great until you had a million downloads and the game ran even worse than it already did. Much prefer everyone being on a level playing field in the objects available and requiring some imaginative implementation of existing items.
As my PC is on a TV, I do like being able to just sit back on the sofa with controller from time to time and just explore people's parks from the workshop. I couldn't build with a controller though.
Building a coaster with a controller works extremely well, so much so it's my preferred method. Everything else sucks though, badly. More so than PC1 for Console.
No unthemed Vekoma launched train is disappointing.

I suspect it will come in time. 'Stock coasters part 2' is listed on the road map for next months update. I think we will get all the coasters unthemed eventually, they are just drip feeding them to us.


Building a coaster with a controller works extremely well, so much so it's my preferred method. Everything else sucks though, badly. More so than PC1 for Console.

I'll give it a try next time I play. I tried building scenery before, never tried building coasters with the controller. The scenery just took forever to make anything I thought, then the controls with all the button combinations to change placement parameters kept confusing me, slowing me down even more.....so then I gave up.
I haven't had much time to play with it due to be being busy. But I have to disagree that it's an entirely PC game that's been ruined to play on console. The argument could be made either way.

It depends what you want out of the game. There are also limitations on console that weren't there before. To add new coaster building features, they've altered the genius control pad mapping of the original which is now far more cumbersome to build (although I understand as the coaster builder itself is far more refined as a tool) and is less suited to a controller than before. I couldn't even use a keyboard and mouse if I tried in the original, and get far better results from a controller, and it offers a far better experience with a controller in the original for me personally. Less so now, although you can get used to it.

To run on various spec PC's, console users are now capped at 30fps, and I can't see any reason other than to be cross functional with PC's as to why this should be the case as there's tonnes of other large open world games on consoles that mange to deliver 60 absolutely fine. The original ran at 60fps without breaking a sweat, and the slow downs some PC users used to endure were not there on Series X/S or PS5 and it remained quite stable.

They managed to tailor a PC game very well to console with the original. This has been built from the ground up to be both, with the trade offs that come with that on both sides. With the amount of complaints around spec requirements required to run 2 on PC, I would imagine that the amount of people with a high end top spec PC that are severely cut back on features is very small.

They should probably look for a way to restore missing features and enhancements for powerful PC owners that don't prevent the game from being multi-platform and versatile. They should also probably look for a way for console users to be customise controller layouts more and increase the frame rate.

Since they managed to get over the hurdle of translating a PC designed game for console very well with the original and had great success with it, it makes sense why they designed both in mind with the sequel from a business point of view.

It could be argued that they're actually quite late to the party. Lemmings was brought the Mega Drive, Worms was brought to the Playstation, and Doom was brought to the SNES, 32X, Playstation and Saturn in the 90's. This was in an era when console hardware varied massively from PC's. PC's, like now, could be built as powerful as you liked based on the latest tech available at the time. Whereas consoles used to use highly customised architecture to deliver performance as efficiently and cost effectively as possible, mainly to mimic various powerful arcade boards designed for specific purposes with a "jack of all trades" chipsets. This was most prominent in the 4th, 5th, and 6th generation where consoles varied widely from eachother, The writing was on the wall when Sega developed the Saturn with complicated custom architecture that was out of tune with developers and the way gaming trends were heading, and included Windows CE into the Dreamcast to help develops bridge the gap between the console architecture, PC's and ports from other consoles. Microsoft built the Xbox and Xbox 360 with pretty standard PC chipsets, whilst Sony got stung developing the complex Cell Broadband engine for the PS3. Consoles have been built with pretty much off-the shelf PC parts ever since.

Other games have been developed to deliver cross-platform interactivity for years. Although I accept that it's PC users who have mainly paid the price for this, Cyberpunk being a prime example.

Not that any of it will matter within a console generation or 2 when we'll all likely be playing games off of servers anyway.
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Sorry not sure where else to ask but in RCT you can choose coasters to run in Continuous Circuit block sectioned Mode. What does this mean and what is the in game impact? Are there any real life UK coasters that use this for reference?
Sorry not sure where else to ask but in RCT you can choose coasters to run in Continuous Circuit block sectioned Mode. What does this mean and what is the in game impact? Are there any real life UK coasters that use this for reference?
"Continuous circuit block sectioned mode" is what all real-life coasters that run multiple trains use. :)
"Continuous circuit block sectioned mode" is what all real-life coasters that run multiple trains use. :)

Ok but I’ve got a prefabricated mine train coaster with 2 trains running and it’s giving me the option of that or just continuous circuit mode and I can’t see a difference…
Ok but I’ve got a prefabricated mine train coaster with 2 trains running and it’s giving me the option of that or just continuous circuit mode and I can’t see a difference…
"Continuous circuit mode" doesn't use block zones, multiple trains can use the same section of track at once.
I think i'm going to have to give up trying to understand this but as a last guess:

- A continuous circuit mode coaster the trains could essentially be bumper to bumper whereas one with blocks they will always be held a certain distance apart? So in the context of RCT (and real life i suppose) it reduces the risk of a collision? Of course if that is correct it begs the question why wouldn't you have blocks?
Sorry not sure where else to ask but in RCT you can choose coasters to run in Continuous Circuit block sectioned Mode. What does this mean and what is the in game impact? Are there any real life UK coasters that use this for reference?
Courtesy of ChatGPT:

Please explain "Continuous circuit block sectioned mode" when referring to rollercoasters

ChatGPT said:

"Continuous Circuit Block Sectioned Mode" (CCBS) is a roller coaster operating method that ensures safe train movement by dividing the track into block sections and enforcing a strict control system. Here’s how it works:

1. Block Sections

  • The track is divided into block sections, each capable of holding one train at a time.
  • Block sections are typically separated by brakes, sensors, and launch points.

2. Continuous Circuit

  • Unlike shuttle coasters (which reverse direction), a continuous circuit coaster completes a full circuit before returning to the station.

3. Safety & Efficiency

  • Preventing Collisions: A train can only enter a block section if it's clear.
  • Optimizing Throughput: The system allows multiple trains to run simultaneously without stopping unnecessarily.

4. How It Works

  • Each section has block brakes or control points to hold or slow down trains if the next section is occupied.
  • Sensors track train positions, and the system ensures a safe gap between trains.
  • If a train stops unexpectedly, the system can "stack" trains safely without collision.


  • The Smiler (Alton Towers): Uses multiple block sections to operate multiple trains safely.
  • The Incredible Hulk Coaster (Universal): Has block sections before launches and brakes.
Why use ChatGPT when ElToroRyan has the perfect definition of a Block Zone. It's become his slogan, you can even get it on a T-Shirt:


I recommend his video on Stealth. I never realised it runs a shifting block system until that video.
Just announced... the Western Theme is making a return in the free Update 3 releasing on March 20th:

From: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iMWmeFFnbY
Also, in this update is an option to randomly rotate and scale scenery objects as you place them. No more placing trees or rocks and individually rotating them to make them look more natural!
Coming in April's update are restaurants which are based on the mechanics of restaurants from Planet Zoo