Hmm... it was cold, wet and generally a bit February.
As a result, I took one look out the of window today and decided to have a lie-in, got to Alton just after two because the snow had BROKEN the M6, met the group who'd already given up and gone to Dragon Bar before braving an hour on park. I enjoyed the emptiness (aside from learning that Nemesis apparently doesn't run with less than 2 people on it), but not so much the weather. Still, after reading Wardley's autobiography a week or so back when I couldn't sleep, I've got more of a sentimental attachment to Nemesis than ever... plus, after Taybarns last night, I probably needed the exercise!!
Blackpool, I'm sad to say, reminded me of why I don't visit Blackpool as often as I used to and why it doesn't excite me as much as it used to. It was by no means quiet on park, so one train operation just wasn't appropriate and the 45 minute waits for the Big One and Grand National did little to improve my mood - and neither did the fact that Infusion ended up being my first ride of the season

Ride staff locking up and buggering off at moreorless 4:59 raised my eyebrows a bit too, especially after late openings across seemingly the entirety of the park.
On the upside, I finally got to ride Wallace & Gromit for the first time and liked it a lot more than I was expecting to, I had my best ride on Big Dipper in a good few years (though Nash, as ever, did nothing more than injure me). Riding Valhalla at any time of year always brings a smile to my face, particularly as we had a PBB virgin amongst our number, and even though half the pretty effects were turned off whilst any WET effects seemed to be turned up to eleven, I was still impressed. Also, as the sky was a very similar colour to the Big One's supports for much of the day, we were probably lucky to only get drowned once!
All told, whilst they at least manage to offer a full ride line up in February, unlike most - I think my annual visit may be somewhat later in the year in 2016; Blackpool is cold in February!
All Muskrat Manor aside though, great to see everyone again - Friday evening was fun, and also cheers Aaron for the lift on Saturday - can't remember the last time it wasn't me doing the driving on a coaster trip!
Almost forgot to add my thoughts on the new ride too - and whilst it may look like a good idea, it's also in totally the wrong park for something with such a glaringly obvious capacity problem - surely I'm not the only one that remembers why Spin Doctor was fatally flawed...