It is just talk in the sense that the legislation hasn't been presented to Parliament yet, but there's plenty of policy papers to read that give an idea of what they intend to do.There's lots said about Labour wanting to reduce planning red tape, but as it stands it's just just that - talk. Of course there's legislation that needs to be written and put through parliament in order for that to happen. A law change that would have a knock on effect for planning law across the country isn't going to be an easy feat, more so than an SDO would. I agree there needs to be some reform to planning law, but with everything going on in the world at the moment, I don't see it happening any time soon resulting in spades on the ground in a matter of weeks.
Here's one about streamlining planning:
Here's one about introducing brownfield passports:
And responses to a massive consultation on planned changes:
Of course none of it would lead to a stratacoaster being built in the next few months but there's some interesting stuff in there that I could see being beneficial