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Review the last roller coaster you rode

As I’m currently waiting to set off on my next theme park adventure, I think now might be a good time to post reviews from my trip to Drayton Manor on Thursday!

New coasters
Gold Rush (#124)
I had quite low expectations for Gold Rush, but I was very pleasantly surprised; I thought it was an excellent family coaster! The ride is very dynamic and has some fun twists and turns, and it is surprisingly vigorous in places, particularly during the backwards sections! It’s also very smooth and quite long, and overall, I just found it very enjoyable! In terms of the multi-cycle feature, I found it a fun novelty, but I’m unsure which cycle I preferred; the backwards section after dropping down the lift was quite good on Cycle 2, but I thought launching out of the effects shed was better when done backwards on Cycle 1.
8/10, #29/124

Existing coasters
The Wave
Perhaps controversially, I’ve long felt that Shockwave would be improved by putting sit-down trains on it. Having now ridden The Wave, I think sit-down trains have improved it somewhat, but they aren’t the game changer I’d perhaps hoped they might be. On the positive side, the trains are generally comfortable, and the sit-down trains do help you better appreciate some of the ride’s better moments; some of the inversions pack decent forces. However, I think the ride still has its notable flaws. Although you feel it less without OTSRs, the ride is still a bit rough in places, and it doesn’t have the most interesting of layouts. I also occasionally found the restraints to tighten quite noticeably during the ride at times. Nonetheless, I think it’s still an improvement, and it fits the park’s new demographic a lot better.
6/10, #58/124


Jormungandr is an OK powered coaster, with some fun moments of mild speed. However, it’s definitely showing its age. The ride seems to really struggle up any kind of incline, and it is also quite rough when it speeds up. It also made some rather concerning creaking noises as it re-entered the station…
3/10, #94/124
Valle degli Gnomi (630) AKA Valley of the Gnomes at Fiabilandia in Rimini, Italy.

The final boss of wacky worm coasters. Going into the earth itself, dark ride sections, and of course travelling through an apple towards the end.

Runs a 2 train operation as well.

