Yes. Still waiting for parts.Not seen it mentioned for a while, is Hex still dead? Was hoping to confuse the hell out of my daughter on it next week.
Ahem, within the first hour of Smiler opening on it's first day, the queue was over 3 hours long!![]()
Both did, early on, scarefest, and lots of peak days.
Fasttrack, RAP abuse, and failure to follow the rap policy on timings, has a lot to answer for.
The trick with big new rides is to enjoy all the other ride walk on's first.
I queued 3 hours for Smiler a few times in its opening year, including twice on opening day.
The throughput on that thing has never been great though.
Haha, just been going through the old Wickerman topics...
Three hours common first weekend, after snowy weekday soft opening walk ons.
With breakdowns, some were in the queue for five whole hours for those precious early day rides.
And as with pretty much all new rides, constant breakdowns and queue clearances for those who had waited for two or three hours as well.
I remember air being very bad.
Yeah, was about to say I distinctly remember entering the queue just after five on opening day, and not coming off well after eight. So I've definitely queued more than three hours for The Smiler. Never done since mind.
I stand corrected!The Smiler 100% did in 2013 - frequently between 150-180 minutes iirc. Wicker Man also hit 3 hours a fair amount in 2018.
I stand corrected!
I guess it might help that I never went to Smiler during its initial months, so don’t remember its opening day and such. And even though I myself admittedly waited 3 hours for Wicker Man on the opening weekend (which I had conveniently forgotten yesterday…), 2 hours of that was waiting for the ride to open; the actual time spent in the open queue was only about an hour.
I remember it going in front of the Towers as well! They'd have a member of staff at the entrance to X Sector controlling the queue letting people who were waiting at AMT/in front of the towers into it once it had cleared enough. We also have to remember the queueline outside the entrance did not exist in 2013 as well.In the summer of 2013 The Smiler frequently had a queue which crossed the X Sector entrance path and switched back up towards the Towers (where the Altonville Mine Tours queue has been most recently). Definitely waited 3 hours at least a few times - never again, on anything I hope!
Still not on the app, so I don't think it's coming back any time soon.Any updates on Enterprise? It looked exactly the same last week as it did in April, but does anyone know if it's planned to go permanently, or if it's also waiting on parts or something.
Always outnumbered, never outgunned.Smiler- 3 trains (48 per hour, 768pph), Oblivion- 5 shuttles (60 ph, 960pph), Rita- 2 trains (36 ph, 720pph), Th13teen- 3 trains (53 ph, 1060pph), Galactica- 3 craft (40 ph, 1120pph), Nemesis- 2 trains (38ph, 1216pph), Wicker man- 3 trains (42 ph, 1008pph)
Just an assumption based on the queues. Oblivion is normally one of the longest on 1 station, same with GalacticaOblivion isn't running both stations and all gates surely?
It's not open - it only opened for 2 days in late March and then closed again. Major technical problems.Does any know if Hex is open?
I'm heading to Alton tomorrow, and even though I've been several times in my life. The sodding thing has never been open. I really want to go on it!
If it's not open, does anyone know why?
Nothing has been said, so it could be anything. More likely to be waiting for a part though in my opinion.Have we actually heard any reports that it is a major issue?
I was under the impression it was just a missing part, which is being held up by the current economic situation.