Sorry to bump this thread, but I was just wondering; have Towers done something to Rita in recent years? I only ask because I had a period of 4.5 years without riding Rita (between 2016 and 2020) because of how rough it was and how little I liked it, but when I rerode it in 2020, I thought it was brilliant, and way, way smoother than I'd ever remembered.
I've had 4 rides post-2020, in both the purple and blue trains, and none of them have been overly rough at all, which I find really interesting. I would even dare to say that my most recent rides, in September 2021, were really quite smooth; my front row ride was honestly hardly any rougher than Icon at BPB, with only a very slight rattle, and even the ride I had in row 8 straight after only had a touch more of a rattle to it; nothing that majorly detracted from the ride at all. The ride literally didn't hurt in the slightest, and I'd have happily gone round a few times! And while I still wouldn't say they were a favourite of mine, I also didn't mind the restraints too much, in spite of remembering hating them years prior.
Most interestingly of all, I rode Rita and Stealth within a week of each other in September 2021, and I would have said that my 2 rides on Rita were considerably smoother and more enjoyable than any of my 3 rides on Stealth; whereas Rita only had a slight rattle at worst, Stealth was really bouncing about quite horribly going up and down the top hat on all 3 rides, and I came off it with somewhat of a headache all 3 times I rode. Given that Rita is far more notorious for roughness than Stealth, I find that really interesting...
Not to mention that while Stealth's launch is more forceful and the airtime on the top hat is fantastic, Rita has a more extensive layout which is surprisingly exciting in places; I'd never noticed before, but there are a couple of surprisingly strong ejector moments on Rita that really throw you out of your seat! Even though it's so hated, and even I once hated it, I've really been enjoying Rita lately, and I'd also say that while I prefer Rita of the two, both of the Dark Forest Intamins are rides that I enjoy more than most.
Does anyone know if Rita's had anything done? And do you agree with me about it?