I don't have the highest roughness tolerance by any means, but I honestly haven't been finding Rita rough at all lately. Since 2020, when my 4-year Rita hiatus ended (I didn't ride for 4.5 years as I used to find it very rough and none of the rest of my family liked it, either), my rides haven't been overly rough at all; the worst ride I've had since then was a tad bumpy, but nothing deal-breaking by any stretch. I still rather enjoyed the ride, even though the bumpiness detracted ever so slightly for me.
And the other 3 rides I've had have honestly been pretty smooth; my front row in September 2021 was bordering on glass smooth apart from a vibration that was so minimal it was totally inconsequential, and even the back row I had on the same day had only slightly more rattle than that; it was still totally inconsequential, and honestly pretty smooth in the grand scheme of things. Of the 4 rides I've had since 2020, only one was ever bumpy enough to detract even slightly for me, and even that wasn't rough enough to have any significant impact on my enjoyment.
To be honest, I actually like Rita a lot these days; it's my 4th favourite coaster on park, and to be honest, it's not that far behind Nemesis in 3rd for me! I love the launch, the airtime is fantastic, I don't find it rough, and even though the drawn-out turns aren't the most interesting, the ride does maintain a pretty great sense of pace throughout! I could be scoring smooth rides, admittedly, but I'm surprised at the level of hate it still gets compared to Stealth for roughness; I've personally been finding Stealth notably rougher lately, and that one does sometimes leave me with a slight headache these days, whereas Rita hasn't since 2020.