For the first time, Zelenski has indicated that he's willing to temporarily cede the 4 occupied regions of Ukraine to the Russians in return for NATO membership to protect the remainder of Ukraine.
The Ukrainian president told Sky News's chief correspondent Stuart Ramsay NATO membership would have to be offered to unoccupied parts of the country in order to end the "hot phase of the war", as long as the NATO invitation itself recognises Ukraine's internationally recognised borders.
This concerns me. It has more of a whiff of Chamberlain and chums appeasing Hitler about it. Then he still went and invaded Poland anyway and used the break in hostilities to strengthen the German armed forces. Chamberlain for me was the worst Prime Minister of the last 100 years for his desperate and futile attempts at appeasing a madman when it was blindly obvious what Hitler was up to. The worst until Liz Truss came along of course.
The Kremlin has recently been showering praise on Trump. It's clear now that the Russian bear looks weak and embattled, but Putin wants back what he considers Russian/Soviet territory and I don't think he'll stop. It's also clear that Trump made outrageous promises about doing a deal within a single day, one that possibly involves just giving away huge chunks of Ukraine. Trump also isn't a fan of NATO, and Ukraine's hypothetical potential membership of it was Putin's main excuse for starting the war.
So could this be the start of appeasement? Zelenski is clearly reading something between the lines here, he wouldn't have said anything like this before he met with Trump in September. I think the unpredictability of both Trump and Putin, who share many similar traits, is the key thing to consider here. I can see a compromise being reached that neither includes all of the territories Putin wants, or full NATO membership for the rest of Ukraine, that kicks the can down the road for a bit to stop immediate hostilities. But aid think we all know that the words and promises of both Trump and Putin are utterly meaningless