The timing of announcing the line-up is a difficult one. On the one hand, I understand the philosophy behind announcing it relatively close to October because it means the other events get the airtime (Oktoberfest).
On the other hand, those of us who are booking for a few people to go somewhere need more concrete plans, and with the choice available at halloween now, I think Towers need to be setting their setting out their stall a couple of months earlier (Universal start anoucning their line-up in June/July). I'm booking Scare Kingdom for seven people as they had trains and hotels to book, so Towers' announcment will be too late for us. And to be honest, why not announce the line-up in June so people can decide, and then intensify the marketing campaign as you get closer. Maybe there are other logistical reasons too, but I'd have thought maze line-ups, naming and basic visual identity could be decided by May/June.
It was a very poor event last year, and unless two very strong mazes come in, it's not going to be where it needs to be. One new great maze would make it an average event so it's not enough. If there are not two new mazes, I genuinely won't even go at all (despite being a pass holder).
Finally, personally, I don't think I'd support a Nemeis maze, they'd have to get it spot on to ensure it isn't tack. They did The Welcoming very well to be fair, but Wickerman's theme lent itself more to an immersive scare maze than Nemesis' does. A Nemesis scare maze could very easily enter naff territory.