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Scarefest 2024

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Hey, does anyone have any windowless vans, I was wondering if you could help me set up a new TSF policy...
"under threat of death, no scarefest reviews may be created without first being posted toTSF"
Now that adults have to pay for trick or treat town do they get sweets too? We ve as pests only had to pay for children in previous years making it kind of expensive now
I'm glad the Trick O' Treat Town music is now on streaming platforms. The tracks are bangers.
I Never did toxic junkyard, can someone please explain what is happening in the middle part of the soundtrack
It seems like they completely removed the separation between adult and child tickets so you will be getting a full ticket (sweets included) for each person...most probably...

Also this thread will probably get merged with the "Scarefest 2024" thread, so look there if this one goes missing.
Ah ok, I didn't bother to look I just thought 3day weekend vs 5 day week.
And I just realised that its 4 day week not 5.
And forgot about the whole week of Halloween being 9pm close.
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