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Six Flags New England: General Discussion

It will take a while to ware in I would think every coaster first run is slow it does look brilliant though
They do look horrible.

But I guess that's not the point with these rides.

The word I would use to describe it is aggressive; each of the hills yank the train down, and look like they absolutely launch you out of your seat. However, the inversions looks like they are taken much slower- possibly to change things up a bit. I can imagine some people wouldn't say it looks too great from this POV, but I reckon the airtime is actually insane.
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Well that looks a little bit good! Possibly the best so far - great pacing, great variation of element and a great length.

And that's only an early video, it will speed up.

RMC are the best in the world at the moment, in my opinion.
I'm struggling to work out which looks better - this or Twisted Colossus.

Bizarro will once again be re-launcing at Six Flags New England in 2016 and the Superman name will return - it will become Superman the Ride. I'd imagine this will involve another re-paint for the track back to red.

Maybe the Bizzaro character no longer exits in the DC Universe.. I've no idea but thats just my guess.
Bizarro is still very much a part of the DC Universe.

Perhaps it's to cash in on the Batman V Superman film next year, and therefore they'd rather revert it back to the more notable character with forthcoming events.

Other than that I can only imagine it was due to laziness and sheer lack of imagination.

Come to think of it, laziness and sheer lack of imagination appears to be the motto for this year's Six Flags announcement line up.
Well we now know why Bizarro has been reverted back to Superman The Ride:


Looks like this VR coaster system is different to both that of VR Coaster and Figment Productions, although it appears similar to the former.

More details here! But it is optional, you do not have to ride with a VR headset.

The VR fad continues, it could be quite amazing on a coaster like this though!

Nope. Not a fan. What's the point of doing this on a hypercoaster? You won't be able to appreciate the height or speed of the ride. I would also imagine that the sensation of airtime will be severely diminished by being immersed in a virtual environment. For me, much of the thrill of coasters comes from the fact that the experience is entirely real. This clearly dilutes that.

I do think there is a lot of potenting for VR to be used in the amusement industry but retrofitting it to coasters that are already perfectly good is just unnecessary in my view.
Popped into SFNE the other day, perhaps my favourite Six Flags park, it's very homely and Wicked Twister is still utterly astonishing.

The new trains on Mind Eraser work well, they still shuffle but that's not the detriment of your ears with the new restraints. The VR is fun - the loading is obviously shambolic.

The Joker is great - seems to ride better than the Great Adventure one.
What a fun-looking coaster; I bet that will be a great addition to the park!

Where did they get that '11 moments of airtime' from, I barely counted any.

Even the ones I did spot look too drawn out or slow to actually provide meaningful airtime, except for back row riders maybe.

That being said, the layout itself looks great! Lots of fast paced twists and turns, and even seems to have some whip