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Spinball Whizzer: General Discussion

Spinball is supposed to be closed today, tomorrow and Thursday to add a single rider queue, is there any news / images of how it is going, I am curious to see where it is going and where the enterance will be.
I would like to know that, too!

Also: sorry to ask a silly question, but will Spinball Whizzer be reopening on Friday 6th September, or Saturday 7th September?

The Alton Towers website says that it will be closed from the 3rd to the 6th, but I'm not sure whether this also includes the 6th itself...
I would like to know that, too!

Also: sorry to ask a silly question, but will Spinball Whizzer be reopening on Friday 6th September, or Saturday 7th September?

The Alton Towers website says that it will be closed from the 3rd to the 6th, but I'm not sure whether this also includes the 6th itself...
I believe it includes the 6th as being closed
The easiest way to do this would be to the immediate right of the entrance sign, straight forwards to the exit side, however you then have the issue of single rider loading from offload.

Otherwise, maybe a path coming behind the maintenance shed could work, or even steps up and over ?
Given that most of them just have a single moving part, you'd think it should be pretty easy. I'm sure most of us lot could fix 'em in our spare time, given that we seem to be a creative bunch of crafty types.
I wouldn't be surprised if they were to replace them with some screens, like the rita or new thorpe screens and have more animated/interactive games.
Would reduce maitanence and result is some more interactive and intresting games
I went to Alton Towers today, and - to answer my own question from earlier this week - Spinball Whizzer was indeed closed today (but is due to reopen tomorrow, I'm told).

To answer flyingguitar's question: unfortunately, I couldn't see much of the new single-rider queue line because the entire area was blocked off (see photograph attached).

Hopefully, all will be revealed tomorrow, though!
I went to Alton Towers today, and - to answer my own question from earlier this week - Spinball Whizzer was indeed closed today (but is due to reopen tomorrow, I'm told).

To answer flyingguitar's question: unfortunately, I couldn't see much of the new single-rider queue line because the entire area was blocked off (see photograph attached).

Hopefully, all will be revealed tomorrow, though!
Shame i was hopeing to be able to see more of the construction (although it is hard to see as the quality isnt too good but is that a new sign) looks like it will be Sunday not tomorrow.

From: https://x.com/TowersStreet/status/1832108379386388978?t=3yDteeGX4tSxJGVVKqwzOg&s=19
Yep it definitely wouldn't be ready for tomorrow!

From: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10161355646466488&set=p.10161355646466488&type=3&locale=en_GB

More work than I expected to be honest.

Photo by Iain Mitchell on Facebook.

Interesting... I wonder how he managed to take that photograph!

Incidentally, the text at the bottom of the photograph says '04 September 2024' if you open it in Facebook (even though it appears to have been uploaded on the 6th), so I'm assuming that the work is currently further along than depicted in the photograph.

The weather appears to be cloudy in the photograph, whereas it was sunny all day today, and so I think that the photograph was indeed taken a few days ago.

P.S. I heard a rumour on YouTube earlier today that Rita allegedly now has a single-rider queue as well, although I cannot confirm this either way as I did not visit the ride; I was about to go on it around 3:30 p.m. but then it suddenly closed and didn't reopen until 3 minutes before the park closed! (by which point, I was already queueing for a different ride)
Yep it definitely wouldn't be ready for tomorrow!

From: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10161355646466488&set=p.10161355646466488&type=3&locale=en_GB

More work than I expected to be honest.

Photo by Iain Mitchell on Facebook.

Wasn't really expecting it to be just a line line like that, but it is a great improvment to increase throughput on that ride.

P.S. I heard a rumour on YouTube earlier today that Rita allegedly now has a single-rider queue as well, although I cannot confirm this either way as I did not visit the ride; I was about to go on it around 3:30 p.m. but then it suddenly closed and didn't reopen until 3 minutes before the park closed! (by which point, I was already queueing for a different ride)
I wouldn't be surprised, it is a ride that seems quite easy to add a single rider queue by adding a 4th set of stairs stealth has 4 sets (although only uses 3 as it dosnt have single rider but it is already mayhem enough with 3 cant imagine it improving with 4
I wonder if by next season, all rides will have a single rider?
I hope so! Galactica could definitely benefit from an SRQ in my opinion, as it always seems to take a long time to board (which puts me off riding it), and makes it all the more disappointing whenever trains are dispatched with empty seats...

(The queue for Nemesis Reborn was only around 5 minutes all day yesterday, whereas Galactica was hovering around 20 to 30 minutes for much of the day)