With it being highly likely that SW9 will be yet another coaster, I made a prediction a while back (on another forum) that the coaster would be from one of three manufacturers (now expanding on that prediction by including exact models):
• Mack
– Multi launch coaster
– Multi launch spinning coaster
I think that both Rita and Spinball Whizzer are both nearling the end of their life at the park (I know the council are pretty keen for Spinball’s removal), and one of these coaster types could provide a suitable “replacement” (or upgrade) as such.
• B&M
– Wing coaster
– Launched wing coaster
I mean, Merlin do like their wing coasters, so I don’t think it’s impossible that Alton will get their own. It’s definitely not the most exciting option, and I’d rather they choose to go with something different.
– T-Rex
Maybe a little optimistic here with this prediction, and it definitely isn’t the most likely of the ideas listed here, but it would definitely have that USP that Merlin so desperately want for all of their major new attractions. I think it’s a possibility, even if a very unlikely one at that.
As for location, I can only really see three potential areas where SW9 could be located:
• Forbidden Valley
There’s space around the areas where Riosaw used to be located, plus there is speculation that Blade might soon be closed – that provides a lot of room right along that side of the valley for a new coaster. This is also a location with potential to play with the terrain on the side of th valley with some nice steep drops and some good airtime – something that coasters at Alton don’t tend to have.
• Dark Forest
With the idea that Rita will leave Alton Towers at some time in the foreseeable future, that obsiousley opens up that whole area of the Dark Forest to some much needed development, and predictably, a new coaster. There could also be the possibility that they won’t remove Rita, but still add a new coaster to the bottom of the Dark Forest, where parts of the cross valley wooden coaster would have been located.
• Gloomy Wood
There is quite a lot of potential to develop the land near Gloomy Wood where the “broomstick” coaster concept was once proposed to be located, as well as those mysterious plans for a hybrid coaster that were talked about before SW8 was revealed to be replacing the Flume. Again, this location seems to have a pretty good terrain, which can be utilised.