As much as I’m probably a bit more gravitated towards roller coasters in terms of interest level than other attractions, I think variety is key when visiting a theme park, to a certain degree.
I personally would be very happy riding coasters all day, but not everyone who visits will be, and I’ll admit that I do also enjoy a dark, water or flat ride if they’re on offer.
To further my point; as much as I say that roller coasters interest me more than other attractions, my favourite theme park of all time is Islands of Adventure in Orlando, which it must be said is not exactly rammed full of roller coasters. It has a decent selection, but there aren’t absolutely loads of coasters on offer; to be honest, I’d say that coasters was one of the park’s weaker suits when I last visited in 2016, as much as I do like Hulk.
In spite of this, though, one of the main reasons I love Islands of Adventure is because it tries to offer a bit of everything, and in spite of the fact it takes on a number of different types of experience, it does them all exceptionally well. It’s exceptionally well-themed, possibly the most strongly themed park I’ve ever set foot in (and I’ve visited all 4 WDW parks), but it also has a relatively decent coaster selection, an arguably world-class water ride selection (I somehow haven’t actually done Dudley Do-Right, but Popeye and Jurassic Park are my two favourite water rides, so I don’t see why Dudley couldn’t rank up there too), an arguably world-class dark ride selection (Spider-Man and Forbidden Journey are two of my very favourite dark rides, and Cat in the Hat is a decent little ride for what it is; I can’t comment on Kong, as I haven’t actually ridden it), and to be honest, a combination of the great ride selection and world-class (in my opinion) theming really make me feel a sense of magic within IOA that I haven’t really felt within any other theme park. To be honest, my point about IOA’s coasters being one of their weaker suits might be slightly irrelevant now that they’ve built VelociCoaster and Hagrid’s since my last visit, but that’s besides the point.
My point is, as much as coasters interest me more than any other kind of theme park attraction, and they are what I usually centre a park visit around, I appreciate a bit of variety too, and I’m sure the same could be said for many of the guests who visit Alton Towers or any other theme park.