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- POTC Disneyland Paris
I don't think it makes financial sense though given we live in a country that isn't famed for its good weather.
What's the massive gap in tech on rapids rides? They can easily install new style boats to the existing ride. What else am I missing? If you're referring to those god awful drops then I don't really care. They are no more than cheap gimmicks for me. They don't make or break rapids rides. It's more about the pacing and effects that make or break a good rapids ride. Well it is to me anyway.
Have you seen some of the newer ones? Drops are a thing yes, which are gimmicky, but then you have the sort of mini drop, which isn't like the big drops you see on these show case rapids more like a dip in the concerete channel. Place these in carefully calculated ways, designed thanks to cutting edge computer fluid simulation, and some of these new rapids rides utilise the water far more better, the speed some of these new rapids rides safely traverse sections of the trough is insane, three to four times faster than Congo, much more alike to a real rapids.
That is certainly not a gimmick. Check out Silver Dollar cities new rapids ride, the speed that traverses some of the course is insane. Really good and all safely done thanks to cutting edge computer software.
You then do have the gimmick things such as large drops, vertical lifts, literal big flume sections like a flume in a water park, whirlpools ect. But they all add up to make them state of the art, after all, state of the art means the latest technology. Gimmicks or not, they are the latest technology and techniques.
I think at some point they'll renew the whole of Katanga canyon and have a similar but slightly more distinct theme and they'll market the rides as new.
As for them being world class: well they don't really need to be as we live in a country with really unpredictable weather too many clever effects would just be pointless. The thing is people don't mind getting wet on most days as they enjoy the ride. If you ask someone who doesn't like rides what they'll go on there's usually two answers: log flume and rapids. They are simply great fun for the whole family and they can re-makret them that way.
You see also, both of you assume that a good water ride means you have to get soaked to some degree or another. It does not, at all. JAperson, world class is not measured in wetness, world class is measured in the overall experience.
With the latest technology it is very easy to not only design a ride ground up to have a specific wetness level, but also dynamically change it depending on the weather. Water is fun, it is a natural draw to humans, you dont have to get soaked in it to enjoy it.
That is what a good water ride in a mild country like ours, should strive to do well. I was not even on about a rapids ride either, more a boat flume ride.
Turntables, drops, bunny hops and going in and out of themed sections, while keeping wetness to an acceptable level, would be a big draw. A huge one.
No other rides like a well built water ride give you that same sense of special adventure, something about getting an a buoyant craft of some sort is very intriguing to humans, water rides exploit that and guess what? Wetness plays no part in that specific point. Case in point of wetness, the log flume at Alton, was a mild water ride by wetness, still drew big crowds until its final days.
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