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The 2017 General Election

Actually her timing of calling a GE is pretty good. Her lead in the polls has been way ahead of any other party, and winning this will give her the power to deal with the Brexit issue, clear out the cabinet from Cameron's left overs, and be a stronger position politically.

Labour is a mess, its not a viable alternative, especially with Corbin at the helm. He isnt a leader, and hes the reason most people who voted Labour before, will not vote for them again while he is leader. I think Labour will actually lose a hell of a lot of seats in this election.

The Lib Dems I think will be the real winners in this election given their anti Brexit stance. I think a lot of people will be voting for them in the hope they can either prevent, or have some influence over Brexit. They wont win, but I think they will do better that Labour.

I cant ever recall a time when politics in this country was such a mess as is now. Giving more power to just one person can only be a bad thing, as she will have less people to question her policies.
I'm no fan of Corbyn, but he spoke well today. I thought about what he said and ended up coming to the same conclusion as I often do and that is that Labour can't put themselves forward as an 'alternative' because they have been the alternative so many times before.

As for being an anti-establishment candidate in this election, I really struggle with that notion. The Labour party is ram-jammed with career politicians, not only with very few answers but also, seemingly very little understanding of the problems.

As far as I know, Corbyn himself has done nothing outside of trade unions and politics which really makes me cynical when he talks about the "working" man...

It's going to be an interesting run, but to be honest I am bored of it already.
Working for the unions means he understands working people LESS? :confused1:

I wish it wasn't this way, but it's Labour or thousands more dead disabled people.
Yes, it's just another form of politics.

A further observation today after some chatter with some colleagues. I really don't understand allegiances to political parties. I'd never ever be a member of one.

The Tories and Labour in 1997 are almost unrecognisable vs. the same parties of today.
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I don't trust labour leading the country due to them being against nuclear weapons and corbyn allows his party be antisemitic, and then do very little about it when he is criticized.
Under our voting system, it is a sad reality that you need to decide what you oppose not what you support. What you consider the worst option. The biggest threat.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Support and back those who are best placed to defeat your political enemy. But remember, an enemy should only be such if it is a a threat, i.e. there is no chance of UKIP getting into power so why waste your efforts on opposition to them.
...but they are probably to blame for Brexit.
If it wasn't for the UKIP division of the right wing, there would have been no vote on Europe.
And we wouldn't have to suffer another election.
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Nope, Dave, if he hadn't allowed himself to be gualled into announcing the referendum almost two years ahead of the date he'd originally said it would happen by, done the sensible thing of holding the referendum result to the same standards as a Parliamentary Vote, and not involked "project fear" instead of talking to Joe Public rationally and treating them as sensible human beings instead of dumb flower pots, and then jumped ship like a wimp, maybe, just maybe we might not be in this position...
I don't trust labour leading the country due to them being against nuclear weapons and corbyn allows his party be antisemitic, and then do very little about it when he is criticized.

We don't need nuclear weapons. We've not had a nuclear war. Never have done. Pointless waste of money that could be spent on anything else from other defences to the NHS.

Corbyn is the best thing that's ever happened to Labour imo. He stands for what traditional Labour was: the working class. He actually cares about us and what we want, what we need. Anyone that thinks otherwise is massively misinformed and mislead by the media and Corbyn's opposition. Without Corbyn, there'd be very very little hope at all. How many politicians of recent years can you say cared about everyone as he does? Not a lot. They say they do, but they've not been on the front line as Corbyn has. He wants to save the NHS, help children with their education and their home lives, and, most importantly, actually cares about where this county is going.
We don't need nuclear weapons. We've not had a nuclear war. Never have done. Pointless waste of money that could be spent on anything else from other defences to the NHS.
Think of it as a young lad, who's a virgin, with a condom in his wallet. He's never had sex. But one day he might get lucky. Without one, he could get aids, or even worse... get her pregnant. And he's in trouble either way.
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Oh look, the true intentions of why she called an election are starting to creap out...
Think of it as a young lad, who's a virgin, with a condom in his wallet. He's never had sex. But one day he might get lucky. Without one, he could get aids, or even worse... get her pregnant. And he's in trouble either way.
The one minor difference being that getting laid is something people want....
If Corbyn is the best thing ever happen to the Labour Party, how come the polls are putting the Tories so far ahead???
As far as idealism goes, he is fine...as far as realism goes, he is at the bottom of the pile for likely election to lead our government...the least likely PM since Michael Foot!
I can't ever recall Labour behind so far in the polls, they are currently outsiders by a very long way, it looks like the tory voters will outnumber Labour by 2 votes to 1, and you can't blame anyone but the party leader.
He may be a nice bloke, one of the people, with good ideas, but to the vast majority of voters, he is clearly unelectable as a prime minister.
He will be kicked out, or most likely quit, after Labour is stuffed again in the next election.
Polls mean nothing now, look at the past few elections. People can't predict anything. I didn't get asked in that poll so how's it a true reflection?

You actually need to listen to what Corbyn says compared to May instead of being brainwashed by the Tory propaganda machine. May says nothing of value, u turns on her policies (she did it on the elections for god's sake), and does nothing but aids people of her status (upper class people who are better off than the rest of us). Now look at Corbyn, just look at his recent speeches. He speaks for the common person, the working person. He actually listens to what we want, what we actually need. Without Corbyn, there'd be no hope. We'd have no NHS. Poorer families would be left starving with no homes or benefits. Children would be forced out of an education or would starve going to school.

I don't know about you, but surely the decent person would vote for Corbyn. Even if you don't like him yourself, electing him as leader allows more pressure on the party to bring about policies you wish to see. If you vote Tory, you get none of that. All you get is a future of no hope and misery. That's not a future I fancy living in really.
You see, I've heard this "Corbyn is only doing so badly because everyone's picking on him" argument a lot.

UKIP used to cry like girls about victimisation everytime a media outlet reported a racist gaff by its members. Most tories and right leaning newspapers have complained for years that there's some sort of left leaning bias at the BBC. The fact that there's an overwhelming majority of newspapers that are pro tory has been blamed regularly by the labour party for poor results for decades.

Read into that what you will.
We would have no NHS without Corbyn?????
Alternative view to reality I'm afraid.
In what way has he contributed directly to the NHS?
He has never been in political power to do anything with the NHS at all.
I personally have always been "of the left", but moved out from Labour with Blair, he should have imposed higher taxes and made society more equal over his years of office, but decided to keep taxes the same and continued monetary policies more expected of the right...he moved Labour away from the left with the "New Labour" philosophy, and lost the majority of true Labour supporters with these policies and acting as Bush's puppy in the middle east.
Labour has never recovered, and unfortunately won't until it selects an electable leader, something it hasn't done, and it is something May has chosen to exploit in the new run to the polls.