I don't recall any political party saying they want to privatise the whole of the NHS...ever, not once.
I know it is virtually broke due to pressures of demand, with increased expectations of the public, and an ageing population, but no party has ever declared an intent to close it down.
Our NHS is generally accepted worldwide as a good system that works and offers very good value per patient overall.
Don't ever think private medical insurance offers an alternative economic model affordable to all, it simply doesn't work that way. There is always the "view to profit" and shareholder dividend to pay, as well as massive administrative and accounting costs on top of the basic healthcare provision charges.
A client of mine who has homes in the UK and USA, youngish and in general good health, pays ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS A MONTH in health insurance for comparable treatment cover to the NHS in the UK...over a hundred and fifty quid a week, and she is only resident there half the time, and her premiums are adjusted for this. If she was ever hospitalised she only has basic cover, so there would be lots of "extras" to pay, the first thing the hospital wants on admission is you insurance details, then, after a day or so, they visit you at bedside to get your credit card details. Lovely system isn't it?
If she steps out of her residency state, she has absolutely no health cover at all...that is how the system works. Fancy getting additional travel health cover for a trip to the Towers anyone???
On a lighter note, if Labour get into office, Uncle Jeremy will give us all an extra three bank holidays a year, as well as fix the NHS, schools and redevelop the national infrastructure.
I wonder where he has hidden the pot of gold to pay for it all?