I don't think that the issue was the "open" nature of leaving.
I think the real issue was the vote left the nation completely divided.
49 to 51 was never, ever a clear majority decision by the electorate, it simply highlighted a clear division within the community.
I voted to leave, and my mind hasn't changed after three years, but I never wanted, or expected a hard exit.
After such a close result, I expected a sensible, negotiated withdrawal fudge, dragged out over time, resulting in a wishy washy step away from a federal Europe.
Doesn't even look like we will be getting that.
Divisions on the right wing created this unholy mess.
Politicians generally have made the whole screwed up mess into a complete circus.
We never fully entered the community in Europe, we were seperated by geography, by a refusal to adopt the currency, and an unwillingness by many, on the left and right, to accept full union.
Time for us all to support Diogo in sorting it all out.