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The Future of Skyride

In answer to diogo's post in the wrong topic...
It just doesn't matter what the Towers see the skyride as, it is all about what disabled people used it for, and how that access can be reinstated fairly and properly...
Less mobile people have been put at a material loss by the closure far more than the able bodied...simple fact.
My last visit to the place ended at 2pm, because poor availability meant a full circuit of the park only resulted in five rides, and my wankle screamed enough.
Other things could have been done...apart from forewarning and reasonable notice of length of closure, and tardy repairs.
For example...
Land trains, or free use of scooters due to the skyride failure ...that would go some way to putting things right.
The fact is, they haven't rushed to fix it, and as it costs a lot of money to run it, that is unsurprising.
Oh, I completely agree with you mate.
(And sorry mods for the wrong topic thing. I think I'm still drunk from last night's sorrow drowning).
It would be nice if they could actually come out and say what it is that's wrong with the skyride and when they're aiming to get it done by.

If it's a structural issue with one of the supports that needs replacing (as suspected) then I don't understand why they can't just come out and say as much.

It would look alot better than: 'we didn't realise quite how knackered it was', which is kinda how they've left us to summarise it.
It would be nice if they could actually come out and say what it is that's wrong with the skyride and when they're aiming to get it done by.

If it's a structural issue with one of the supports that needs replacing (as suspected) then I don't understand why they can't just come out and say as much.

It would look alot better than: 'we didn't realise quite how knackered it was', which is kinda how they've left us to summarise it.
I believe that's classified information, just like exactly what burned up on Wicker Man. Must be very dangerous information that might fall into the wrong hands and cause the immediate destruction of the whole of the theme park (if not the whole of Staffordshire!).
I believe that's classified information, just like exactly what burned up on Wicker Man. Must be very dangerous information that might fall into the wrong hands and cause the immediate destruction of the whole of the theme park (if not the whole of Staffordshire!).

We don’t need any more riots based around not factual information falling into the wrong hands
To be honest, I believe that AT are slowly working on Skyride whenever they can get the chance to do so. As I think, they're slowly working on the pylons dotted around the park for Skyride. And with H&S being as it is, they might prefer to do it on off season as a way of both minimizing risks of possible falling tools or parts (which I doubt) and allowing work vehicles into the park to allow workers to grab the tools and parts needed for repairs or replacement of parts.

But again, tis only what I believe I might be wrong here.
Because announcing that large metal structures inside areas that cover half the park as structurally unsafe would be a terrible idea.

Land trains won't work. I recently observed the chaos at La Récré des 3 Curés, Kingoland and Parc de la Vallée where they use them on paths with guests. Much quieter parks, still utter chaos when there was more than a handful of people about. Let alone the amount at Towers. Throw in silly children paying no attention to the loud train approaching and it's a recipe for problems.
Land trains don't work due to limited capacity. My employer has a land train at one of it's UK sites (the hilliest one) and the frequent complaint is "it's always full / 20mins wait for the next one / only one wheelchair or mobility scooter can be carried on it".

One also has to consider that whilst the Skyride is very convenient for non-ambulant guests, if the diesel backup generators at Maindrive [Forbidden Valley] were to fail, you have a serious evacuation situation. Abseiling ambulant guests down from the gondolas is a challenge for the rescue team - non-ambulant guests even more so, especially due to the heights and over-water sections.

I am sure Skyride is like Galactica - if the generator that powers the diesel backup [Skyride] or evac platform [Galactica] fails to start on test, then the ride is down until it starts.

It does sound like Towers are spending money on getting Skyride back for next season - only time will tell. The proof will be in the pudding when we see guests back in the gondolas.
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Land trains don't work due to limited capacity. My employer has a land train at one of it's UK sites (the hilliest one) and the frequent complaint is "it's always full / 20mins wait for the next one / only one wheelchair or mobility scooter can be carried on it".

One also has to consider that whilst the Skyride is very convenient for non-ambulant guests, if the diesel backup generators at Maindrive [Forbidden Valley] were to fail, you have a serious evacuation situation. Abseiling ambulant guests down from the gondolas is a challenge for the rescue team - non-ambulant guests even so, especially due to the heights and over-water sections.

I am sure Skyride is like Galactica - if the generator that powers the diesel backup [Skyride] or evac platform [Galactica] fails to start on test, then the ride is down until it starts.

It does sound like Towers are spending money on getting Skyride back for next season - only time will tell. The proof will be in the pudding when we see guests back in the gondolas.
I guess you work for center parcs…
It’s getting quite tiring the constant moaning about the Sky ride now. It was meant to open this year hence the station refurbs, it didn’t unfortunately unexpected last minute. Which they explained all of this and put a sign outside its entrance, they also did a public announcement which they didn’t have to. You can see from their website that it’s closed so you can plan before hand so how is this not transparent?

It’s getting fixed and will be ready for next year in the meantime AT still has the same scale of accessibility as most other parks it’s just bigger so you may not be able to go as far? I mean it doesn’t go to all the lands anyway and theres still plenty of rides and amazing exhibits like the Sea Life Center that other parks do not offer.

Honestly just move on just simply not attend until next season I’m not sure what else you want them to do at this point?
I like to visit the Towers, I have done most years for about forty years.
Others raised the matter again, I responded, eventually in the right topic.
How do you actually know it will be opening next year?
I can't be at all sure after last year...
..they did actually say last year that it would be opening this year, they just couldn't say when.

Not constant moaning, more fair comment, about disabled access, that wouldn't be an issue if there had been a timely repair.
Those more able may not understand, or even try to, but look at it from the position of the less able for a minute.
My last visit finished at 2pm, because of access issues, constant pain and non operational rides.
Not great.
This isn't year one, I wish it was.
If it was, I would bite the bullet.
I have moved on, as I said, no Merlin pass this year...others raised the matter, and I responded, in the right forum topic, on a thoosie website.
All opinions are sacred.
If you don't want to read it, there is always the ignore button.
I have issues with ankle, hip and knee, I didn't for the first thirty odd years of visiting.
I would just like access back for my long term hobby, as I have for many years in the past.
How long exactly has the ride been closed for repairs now?
Somebody remind me when it actually last ran.
The thing is, you know Skyirde is closed, you know it’s been closed for a while, and you know there’s no official confirmation of when it opens

This isn’t a legal forum so nobody can comment on the legality of the ride being closed - including you - so that’s a non starter of conversation

You seem to get into the same circular arguments at this point, your stance has remained clear (I commend that) but unfortunately it’s not one that many agree with.

The park themselves have the stance it is an attraction not a provision

Baiting questions like “Somebody remind me when it actually last ran.” just reads as you wanting to continue the carousel of people disagreeing with your perspective, and don’t further anything
Last ran November 2022 for paying guests.

To be fair it is shocking it’s had to close for two years but the issue is attributing that to cost saving or “can’t be bothered” of the current leadership when there is no evidence of that. I will happily bemoan the neglect Merlin have caused Towers in the past and it’s clear to see with the downtime they are having now.

But it’s clear work is ongoing with Skyride, just because we don’t see workers on it all the time is probably because a lot of the working at height activity won’t be allowed to occur during opening hours. Last thing Towers will want is a headline in the Daily Mirror “Alton Towers Guests Hospitalised as Spanner falls on head”
a fair bit of work was happening in and around the FV station today.

Interesting point @Dave around down time - there was a lot today.

The lack of investment in maintenance is really starting to hit them.

It absolutely is but I still argue that’s a legacy issue. There are adverts for new tech services staff (and they seem to have increased the salary).

Merlin under Varney basically sucked the park dry for over a decade, god know what new Merlin are going to do (I know some argue it’s not new Merlin anymore as it was bought out in 2019 but I’m sorry no-one was going to invest millions during a global pandemic). But the consensus from those in the know on here was Skyride was meant to open this year and this couldn’t happen:
The assumption that people can’t work at height whilst the park is operating has got to be wrong. There’s a host of methods to allow safe working at height - exclusion zones, tethered tools, crash decks etc.

I think there’s definite legitimacy to people suggesting that the extended period of closure/works may well be driven by commercial pressures. Let’s face it, much more significant chairlift installations are built in very challenging conditions every year in ski resorts. If Merlin wanted to, the Skyride could have been back up and running this season, for example a brand new system could have been installed over closed season. They aren’t willing to dedicate sufficient funds for that to happen so we’re stuck with another year without the Skyride.
The assumption that people can’t work at height whilst the park is operating has got to be wrong. There’s a host of methods to allow safe working at height - exclusion zones, tethered tools, crash decks etc.

I think there’s definite legitimacy to people suggesting that the extended period of closure/works may well be driven by commercial pressures. Let’s face it, much more significant chairlift installations are built in very challenging conditions every year in ski resorts. If Merlin wanted to, the Skyride could have been back up and running this season, for example a brand new system could have been installed over closed season. They aren’t willing to dedicate sufficient funds for that to happen so we’re stuck with another year without the Skyride.

You wouldn't get a brand new system that size built and open in a single closed season. Not a chance.

They also have to consider the fact that if something went wrong during works and the cable fell. Across many, many open areas, it could cause huge injuries to many. This makes a job such as this very different from your usual working at height.

The park cannot do significant work while it's open due to a huge, heavy cable dangling across huge areas of public places in the park.
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