delta79 said:just to add to Jem post.
I was an air cadet too.I got my glider wings with them.
the joining age for air cadets is 13.
Bethany said:Thanks, everyone.
Also, sorry, I needed somewhere to vent everything out.
ummm, would not shout about that too much.Natalie said:...... and somehow my family's special police officer friend called Graham got into said phone and read the message...........
Natalie said:I'm feeling down and angry because my next door neighbours, the Sykes, where complete numpties, my mum held a xmas dinner party/ canapés evening at ours last night invited 14 people including, the next door neighbours. I'm assuming the next door neighbours went home before some of the others along with another couple called the Stocks' and the Stocks had left her phone at ours. The Stocks got a text from Sykes and somehow my family's special police officer friend called Graham got into said phone and read the message it was only slagging my mum, Graham and her food off! I get really protective of people I care about and can see myself doing something very silly soon, like normal, I never do anything right. My mum was crying on the phone about it, but the story didn't end there...... Later that very same evening my angry Uncle went down to the next house on the Boland Estate and knocked loudly on the door until they came out. He then had a go at them forcing my Dad to go down and go get him, as you can see it's a Boland family trait to get very defensive about things. I hate seeing my mum cry and they will pay, but how? Also how could you slag someone’s food off like that, my mum is very good and we had no other complaints, I wouldn't mind if they moved away it was nice when we had the whole family on the "Estate" with my Granddad and Granny across the road and my Uncle, Aunty and cousins at the bottom. I will keep you all updated on how I will be making their lives hell.
Sam said:There are no words to describe how much I hate myself.
BarryZola said:Natalie said:I'm feeling down and angry because my next door neighbours, the Sykes, where complete numpties, my mum held a xmas dinner party/ canapés evening at ours last night invited 14 people including, the next door neighbours. I'm assuming the next door neighbours went home before some of the others along with another couple called the Stocks' and the Stocks had left her phone at ours. The Stocks got a text from Sykes and somehow my family's special police officer friend called Graham got into said phone and read the message it was only slagging my mum, Graham and her food off! I get really protective of people I care about and can see myself doing something very silly soon, like normal, I never do anything right. My mum was crying on the phone about it, but the story didn't end there...... Later that very same evening my angry Uncle went down to the next house on the Boland Estate and knocked loudly on the door until they came out. He then had a go at them forcing my Dad to go down and go get him, as you can see it's a Boland family trait to get very defensive about things. I hate seeing my mum cry and they will pay, but how? Also how could you slag someone’s food off like that, my mum is very good and we had no other complaints, I wouldn't mind if they moved away it was nice when we had the whole family on the "Estate" with my Granddad and Granny across the road and my Uncle, Aunty and cousins at the bottom. I will keep you all updated on how I will be making their lives hell.
Ironically, and potentially criminally, the Police Officer is in the wrong on two counts here. Firstly he's created a situation that has pitted families against each other in a hostile way. Secondly, he's done that by finding a way to get into someone's private messages on their mobile phone.
Forgetting all that, who cares if they don't like what they ate or the people they were mixing with? Just ignore them completely or know that you aren't gonna get on and so don't socialize with them anymore. It's not worth getting worked up about, really.
pluk said:BarryZola said:Natalie said:I'm feeling down and angry because my next door neighbours, the Sykes, where complete numpties, my mum held a xmas dinner party/ canapés evening at ours last night invited 14 people including, the next door neighbours. I'm assuming the next door neighbours went home before some of the others along with another couple called the Stocks' and the Stocks had left her phone at ours. The Stocks got a text from Sykes and somehow my family's special police officer friend called Graham got into said phone and read the message it was only slagging my mum, Graham and her food off! I get really protective of people I care about and can see myself doing something very silly soon, like normal, I never do anything right. My mum was crying on the phone about it, but the story didn't end there...... Later that very same evening my angry Uncle went down to the next house on the Boland Estate and knocked loudly on the door until they came out. He then had a go at them forcing my Dad to go down and go get him, as you can see it's a Boland family trait to get very defensive about things. I hate seeing my mum cry and they will pay, but how? Also how could you slag someone’s food off like that, my mum is very good and we had no other complaints, I wouldn't mind if they moved away it was nice when we had the whole family on the "Estate" with my Granddad and Granny across the road and my Uncle, Aunty and cousins at the bottom. I will keep you all updated on how I will be making their lives hell.
Ironically, and potentially criminally, the Police Officer is in the wrong on two counts here. Firstly he's created a situation that has pitted families against each other in a hostile way. Secondly, he's done that by finding a way to get into someone's private messages on their mobile phone.
Forgetting all that, who cares if they don't like what they ate or the people they were mixing with? Just ignore them completely or know that you aren't gonna get on and so don't socialize with them anymore. It's not worth getting worked up about, really.
I'd be a bit careful here Natalie. Unless I've misunderstood there's a bunch of friends at a party, one has left their phone behind (presumably unprotected in any way, I don't know what magic powers anyone thinks a special constable at a dinner party would use in their capacity as a police officer to crack pass codes!) and another has text them things about your family you don't like? The message shouldn't have been read but it is not a criminal offence to read a friends text message.
Not going to deny that's a bit sh*ty of them and you should probably be removing them from your Christmas card list, but if they want to have an opinion of your family in private that is their business and not yours. Graham and your Mum should accept that they should not have been privy to that information and forget about them. I don't quite know what you mean by 'making their lives hell', but worry that what you will do will end up getting yourself in trouble. If you ended up perusing a course of conduct amounting to harassment your defence of reading a text message you didn't like would be laughed at all the way to the court. Be the bigger person and move on.
AdamJ said:At the moment in such a lonely and quiet mood. Guess its the sound of the rain hitting the window and the fact I'm more or less silent thats making me like it, but this year has hit me in such a crap way.
Just need that spring of company at the moment.![]()