I got the first semester exam results from my MSc back today… and there were some very pleasant surprises! I got 88% in my Operational Research exam, which was definitely higher than expected even though I was cautiously optimistic about it afterwards, but the biggest surprise of all was a mark of 86% in my Statistics exam… I was genuinely convinced I might have failed after I exited the exam hall for that one, so a mark of 86% shouldn’t have been possible under my post-exam mental arithmetic!
I’ve booked to see my exam scripts, as I’m genuinely curious to see how on Earth I managed 86% in Statistics in particular… there’s a small part of me that thinks it must be a clerical error, or my lecturer taking pity on me.
Nonetheless, the results were certainly a pleasant surprise, and a lot better than I was expecting, particularly given that I hadn’t done formal exams before these since my GCSEs nearly 6 years ago!