I'm not sure how good this will sound to everyone else but it made me happy.
So my grandad has severe Alzheimer's, he's in a home and most of the time he just lies there curled up in a ball, only saying one word answers like "right" "ok" ext. He doesn't remember who any of us are. Not even my dad, who us his son.
I went to visit him yesterday and it was great though, he's had a urine infection, and they are unsure whether its because of that, or the drugs, or that he was just having a great day, but he wouldn't stop talking to us! Even if he did call me 'Martin', my mum 'Marigold' and my dad 'spotty tie' (he was wearing a spotty tie at the the time!

He was chatting about how we came at a good time as he was off to visit a town with some old old friends of his, friends who in reality I think have died, and he just talked about old memories, people from when my dad was just a child.
He even blurted out 'look out andrea!' (my mums real name) "there's a wasp... And someone's riding on its back!!"
He kept trying to get out of bed to talk to us, which he can't do due to the muscles in his legs have withered away to nothing, and every time my dad would say "you can't get out of bed, you'll hurt yourself" to which my grandad would reply "you wanna bet?"
It was fantastic to talk to my grandad again, even if the conversation didn't make much sense! It was the first time he seemed genuinely happy of all the time he's been in that home!