I feel alive and hopeful and... dare I say it, happy again

Not for the first time, and alas, probably not for the last, I seem to have kicked depression's arse.
The last fortnight's been a living hell for me, hence my silence as I foolishly once again allowed my past to become my present, combined with stress and drama at work and... various other unwelcome circumstances.
But now, ready to take on the world and win once again, I'm happy to be alive and making plans for the future. My fairweather friend serotonin seems to be back on my side, the health service have finally provided in style (albeit somewhere between 3 and 10 years overdue!) and I'm eternally grateful to 2 or 3 of my closest friends who amazed me with how well they put me back together. At the risk of making this cheesy and soppy as I have an annoying habit of doing, I did mention this site in a chat with my therapist this morning, realising that it's become more than just a sanctuary for me to hide from the ghosts and the hassle of a certain other site, but it's given me somewhere to unwind and offload to people who seem more accepting than judgemental, and, flicking through my calendar, it's also given me plenty to look forward to

That's why, no matter what anyone might say - I'm here to stay
OK, so I may just be on one of my 'highs' now, or it might just be the calm before the storm, but whatever battle my mind has in store for me, I know it's one I don't plan to lose