really you have to prove you are vip to be in the group?If the group admins saw that they will ban the member from the group, they have a photo of our passes from when we provide proof that we are VIP.
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really you have to prove you are vip to be in the group?If the group admins saw that they will ban the member from the group, they have a photo of our passes from when we provide proof that we are VIP.
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For the merlin VIP annual pass 2018 and un-official merlin VIP banter groups we do.really you have to prove you are vip to be in the group?
For the merlin VIP annual pass 2018 and un-official merlin VIP banter groups we do.
All we do is pm a admin a photo of the photo side of our pass.
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No, but merlin are aware and there are merlin staff in the VIP 2018 group.
Are any of those groups official
We good now you clarified what was not on topicRight, to clear things up I have removed the posts that are not constructive. I do not think discussion here about why individuals are or are not in various Facebook groups is constructive.
Feel free to PM me if there are any further issues with this.
It was mentioned in one of the VIP groups that a VIP had their card written on once but not the rest of the day.I’ve never had the time written on, nor has anybody else.
We aren't all bad! Its unfortunately a few that do stuff like that.I never used to mind the VIP crowd, until a family of five used fast track on Frog Hopper when the only people in the queue were me and my 6-year old son. We had to wait there while they all bounced up and down saying things like "How simply delightful mummy" and "I do declare this the bounciest ride of the season"
Ridiculous. And they all have the same backpack and knee high woolly socks. Does me head in
I never used to mind the VIP crowd, until a family of five used fast track on Frog Hopper when the only people in the queue were me and my 6-year old son. We had to wait there while they all bounced up and down saying things like "How simply delightful mummy" and "I do declare this the bounciest ride of the season"
Ridiculous. And they all have the same backpack and knee high woolly socks. Does me head in
To be honest with rap your still going to have to explain it.I really don’t think it should be allowed on the rides in CBeebies land and the like of the frog hopper. It makes the octonauts unbearable at times. It’s kinda hard to explain to a 4 year old why all these people get to push in. Adult rides fair enough, it just grates in me in the kids areas
It's not, it's someone who clearly has a grudge, I suspect they know that ride hosts arranged stuff for VIP groups in special ways and that the person at the exit would have been told to use it.Park operations don't seem to have been brilliant if this tweet is anything to go by:
Still there, you just can't see it for VIPs milling around waiting for a complimentary back rub.They would, but it's been removed due to budget cuts...
The only thing I’m saying on this subject is the person did not break the rules by using the exit/ rap entrance. The ride ops were the ones in the wrong for allowing it. I’d blame anyone. Blame towers and their ops training not following the rules.