It was closed after the smiler crash, when they basically shut up half the park!It was a Cafe.
And prior to that it was an on ride photo sales unit (back when Ripsaw had an onride photo!) and arcade.It was a Cafe.
Only thing I'm going to say is go and check its specific thread...With the London resort looking like it might break ground next year
Some of these are travelling through the winter (Mixtape will be at Winter Wonderland I think) so even if they did return next year, they need all branding off them for the other sites they'll visit.I have a family member who works for Electrosonic, they are being told they expect to break ground next year. But this is not the thread to talk about it.
Either way, is this where AT is really at though? The merlin crown jewel dangling these rides and saying that was good enough for 2021, but potentially not even replacing or retaining them for another year. I use to think peoples criticism of AT was too much, but they were taking the decals off before the end of the final day for some of them
Plus given how long they've been operating for they will probably need to be inspected thoroughly and such.Some of these are travelling through the winter (Mixtape will be at Winter Wonderland I think) so even if they did return next year, they need all branding off them for the other sites they'll visit.
If Funk N Fly doesn't return and nothing goes in it's place the that area would be a perfect space for a stage for Mardi Gras - if that returns and they have performance areas dotted around the park again.Mixtape's site looks horrendous and I'm not really sure what they'll do to hide it next year. As for funk n' fly (ripsaw) site it doesn't look that bad all things considered. I think the ripsaw site could be used for basically anything. I've mentioned it before but I don't know why they don't put a little show there for a few seasons until they eventually bring in a flat ride. I imagine it will be sad so see it empty again next season.
Mixtape's site really just needs a new flat ride on it. Hopefully highly themed and its the space for me in the park that needs filling the quickest. Really any sort of flat ride would be fine but they really just need to put on there either next year or the year after. If this year has proven one thing its that X-sector really needs that second flat to cope with the crowd levels. Particularly as enterprise isn't the most reliable and it is now known for having at least one period of downtime during the season.