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[The Smiler] Construction Updates and Ride Speculation

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Alastair said:
Is it just me, or does the bottom of that seat look like it is pivoted? Looks like there's some kind of hinge that would allow the seats to recline or move forward. Perhaps that's the secret of the world's first?

I had this thought earlier about something to do with the cars when we were all discussing it, but that they may swivel or do something to result in you riding differently once "corrected".

I think you are right Alastair, those cars look like they may well recline - however, it is also in the theme of the centrepiece - and how about those leads running into the backs of the seats? In seat audio?
TheMan said:
Alastair said:
Is it just me, or does the bottom of that seat look like it is pivoted? Looks like there's some kind of hinge that would allow the seats to recline or move forward. Perhaps that's the secret of the world's first?

I had this thought earlier about something to do with the cars when we were all discussing it, but that they may swivel or do something to result in you riding differently once "corrected".

I think you are right Alastair, those cars look like they may well recline - however, it is also in the theme of the centrepiece - and how about those leads running into the backs of the seats? In seat audio?

Going by the look of those trains, it seems as though they will play a big part in the storyline and experience of the coaster. It's not beyond the realms of possibility that there could be in seat audio, although its more likely that the leads are just for theming purposes. Also, there appears to be some kind of device on the front restraint of the front train - and ideas what it could be?

EDIT - Can't tell whether it's just the lapbars or not, could just be the perspective. There does seem to be something sticking up, as you can also see it on the back row.
Alastair said:
Going by the look of those trains, it seems as though they will play a big part in the storyline and experience of the coaster. It's not beyond the realms of possibility that there could be in seat audio, although its more likely that the leads are just for theming purposes. Also, there appears to be some kind of device on the front restraint of the front train - and ideas what it could be?

EDIT - Can't tell whether it's just the lapbars or not, could just be the perspective. There does seem to be something sticking up, as you can also see it on the back row.

I was really looking in at the back row, given the way the riders are holding on, and that thing on the restraints looks like an air horn or something lol! Need a bigger picture really, it is very, very odd though and certainly not the usual cobbled together bits and pieces for artwork we have seen thus far (restraints, car etc).

I am not convinced it is perspective though Alastair, the whole time the track has been looked at, I think a few, myself included, have wondered about these cars. To me, as official artwork, it pretty much confirms they will be at least unique with some very interesting potential attributes :twirly:

Thing is though, World Beating is everywhere, which always suggests, going one better than someone else... but also world first, which is where these cars and your very excellent observations may well come in.

Is it possible, it is actually both? A world beating, world's first?

Not going into ludicrous SW6 style craziness here, but they do advertise this ride as both... maybe they aren't confused after all about this ride?

Maybe we are?
Alastair said:
Longy said:
Not sure what to make of this, but this was apparently on a poster in Mutiny Bay.


Picture from Towers2Go on Facebook.

I see lap bars in that image, which is strange considering they had OTSR on the promotional image...

Is it just me, or does the bottom of that seat look like it is pivoted? Looks like there's some kind of hinge that would allow the seats to recline or move forward. Perhaps that's the secret of the world's first?

I thought that, although I'd be more inclined to believe it's an aesthetic choice. I would have thought that track is intense enough without adding a 4th dimension into the mix, however it would certainly be interesting.

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I Dont think they pivot, I Dont see what benefit that would bring to the ride, or how riders would handle the intensity of the ride if they were not sat upright. As for leads in the seats, I think they are metal bars either for decoration or for riders to hold on to as they embark/disembark
Mi-Nigle said:
Alastair said:
Longy said:
Not sure what to make of this, but this was apparently on a poster in Mutiny Bay.


Picture from Towers2Go on Facebook.

I see lap bars in that image, which is strange considering they had OTSR on the promotional image...

Is it just me, or does the bottom of that seat look like it is pivoted? Looks like there's some kind of hinge that would allow the seats to recline or move forward. Perhaps that's the secret of the world's first?

I thought that, although I'd be more inclined to believe it's an aesthetic choice. I would have thought that track is intense enough without adding a 4th dimension into the mix, however it would certainly be interesting.

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Perhaps the seats rotate somehow in the "conversion zone" at the bottom of the second lifthill? It's an exciting prospect if of course these pictures are all that they seem.
Alastair said:
Perhaps the seats rotate somehow in the "conversion zone" at the bottom of the second lifthill? It's an exciting prospect if of course these pictures are all that they seem.

Absolutely, we all know this is speculation of course, and all the more fun for it, but that is an awful lot of theme going on on those seats for no purpose. Not really something that is done at Towers. I am definitely inclined to agree with your observations.
Dar said:
Maybe each seat is your own, individual washing machine! :p

If this topic was in the Courtyard, I'd make a few more suggestions as to what that seat may do.

As it isn't... :twirly:
Are we looking too far into a promo image? Yes.

Just remember they can draw what they like, wherever they like and get away with it as it can't be proven wrong yet.....
They are often lazy too though as we've seen from the original promo image with B&M restraints. I'm not sure the artists would fabricate a brand new train without good reason.

I like the look of the trains themselves but I'm not keen on the logo on the back of each row, seems a little brash.

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That new picture clears shows riders with lap bars. Either that or they like resting their hands on pieces of theming in front of them. :p

However that does not quite fit in with the main promo image that has been plastered everywhere - and would be a bit strange since a lot of money has been put in to putting the promo images around the resort.

Unless they have been throwing us off the scent (this involves the worlds first so they've shown us a different type of train), there's been a last minute change to the train design (they can easily change, although the design process may take a while, along with fabrication) or just a bit of a mess up with communications. An unlikely scenario could be that this ride will have trains with lap bars and trains with over the head restraints - although that would kill off throughput so I wouldn't consider that.
Mi-Nigle said:
They are often lazy too though as we've seen from the original promo image with B&M restraints. I'm not sure the artists would fabricate a brand new train without good reason.

I like the look of the trains themselves but I'm not keen on the logo on the back of each row, seems a little brash.

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You can see the logo has just been put there for promotional purposes, they've just been layered on top
One thing a few people have noticed is the lack of footers after the indoor inversion before where the lift hill is due to start (there are a couple of footers at the point where the lift hill is due to start) but there is a large section with no footers, but already looks like they have poured the concrete.

Looking at Gerstlauer LSM launched coasters, the launch section on these rides are on a similar concrete base with no actual footers. The track is supported on a base frame which is on top of the concrete base.

You can see this in the below image-



Doesn’t mean that we will be getting a launch as could use the same system from a break section, but so far does match the launch sections of their other rides.
Maelstrom said:
One thing a few people have noticed is the lack of footers after the indoor inversion before where the lift hill is due to start (there are a couple of footers at the point where the lift hill is due to start) but there is a large section with no footers, but already looks like they have poured the concrete.

Looking at Gerstlauer LSM launched coasters, the launch section on these rides are on a similar concrete base with no actual footers. The track is supported on a base frame which is on top of the concrete base.

You can see this in the below image-



Doesn’t mean that we will be getting a launch as could use the same system from a break section, but so far does match the launch sections of their other rides.

I've never noticed that about their launches, that's interesting. It feels similar to Takabisha in as much as there's the drop out of the station, the roll and then a long flat section of concrete.

I guess the supports over the toilet block will soon tell us if there's to be a lift hill or not.
Prometheus said:
I guess the supports over the toilet block will soon tell us if there's to be a lift hill or not.

The support we saw being put into place over the toilet block yesterday only added more questions, it was the most ridiculously complicated support I have seen - it had supports in all directions, many of us just stood staring at it confused (or taking pictures, then zooming in, to try and make more sense of it).

The first toilet block support only creates more questions as far as I am concerned. It is safe to say I think the track will be up in no time now though, I'd be very surprised if it wasn't complete by opening day.
I can see this going...drop out of station, roll, launch, overbanked turn over toilet block into the rest of the ride. It makes sense from what we've seen so far and how large the support on the toilet block is in my opinion :)
I say it will do exactly what the plans say. It will go up. It will do a turn with a dip in the middle. It will drop.
The thing is, the plans state a non vertical lift hill before another lift hill later on that is vertical. This isn't Gerstlauer's style at all in the slightest. No other Eurofighters have a non vertical lift hill from memory.

Ruling out a launched lift hill in the style of Mavericks, which isn't impossible, the next logical thing that can be seen would be a launch out of the rumoured roll past the station drop. Either way, I can't see it being a standard lift hill at all :)
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