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The Smiler - General Discussion

A new one for me...

There was a guy behind me (I was row 3) yesterday for my afternoon ride that immediately pulled his vape out at the bottom of the first lift hill, and started vaping away.
He was rightly told (very loudly over the PA by Amanda) "please do not vape while you're on the actual ride!" and again when we got back into the station. Couldn't believe it
Vaping while on the ride is just a new level of sad. He needs to sort his life out and do something with it
Speaking as an OG proper smoker, the guy needs help. Was clearly only doing it because he thought it looked cool. And I'll bet you a pint it wasn't even a nicotine vape, just some strawberry water vapour.


The black mold is concerning, but quickly fixable. Scrub it off with bleach, spray some anti-fungal stuff, install a dehumidifier in the station.
Vaping while on the ride is just a new level of sad. He needs to sort his life out and do something with it

It is quite the conclusion to jump to, assuming a person is doing nothing with their life because they are vaping on a ride. I am confident SpaceX will not be making jumps that large in the coming centuries. Not defending him here, but the point stands.

The mould looks awful, I am assuming the cheap construction of the building make it a difficult thing to tackle. Not an excuse, but an observation.
Smiler has had a lot of work this winter with it all being painted, including the whole station (which hasn’t been done fully since it opened) however the real issue of the crap quality still exists as you can see the mould is starting to creep through in the station again.
I'm sorry, that is just poor basic caretaking...
One stepladder.
One bottle of Dettol mould spray, about ten shots out of the bottle.
Polycell stain stop, about 1% of a tin.
500ml of white emulsion...enough for about three coats.

Material cost, about two pounds.
Labour in total, about twenty pounds.
Shocking neglect due to a lack of basic caretaking.
Merlin through and through.
Kick somebody up the arse in management and get a basic caretaker to do the job in a couple of very short shifts before ride opening.
Little cost, little time, just management off the ball.
Mould is toxic to all.
Real health issue, need not be there at all.
Criminal neglect of an open public access building in truth...we don't pay good money to wait for rides in unhealthy buildings.
There are clear rules that need to be followed, by law.

In my humble professional and trained opinion of course.
It is quite the conclusion to jump to, assuming a person is doing nothing with their life because they are vaping on a ride. I am confident SpaceX will not be making jumps that large in the coming centuries. Not defending him here, but the point stands.
My point was vaping is one thing but needing to do it while on a ride for couple minutes is serious addiction and he should probably evaluate himself. It’s at that point he should know the addiction has gone too far
My point was vaping is one thing but needing to do it while on a ride for couple minutes is serious addiction and he should probably evaluate himself. It’s at that point he should know the addiction has gone too far
It sounds more like mad lad syndrome than feeding an addiction. Some people think doing things like vaping on a rollercoaster is dead 'ard and cool. I use my medical cana vape in parks and take myself about 900 miles away from other people to do so. I'd love to be tooting away on it on a coaster but I'm neither well 'ard nor cool, and certainly not a mad lad.
I cant imagine the youngster being that addicted to nicotine, this would purely just be to show off to his mates. although i genuinely cant think of anything less cool than vaping. its the pre-adult brain licker
Nicotine is both highly addictive and extremely toxic...still used in lots of pesticides.
One of the most addictive drugs known, similar but different to smack and coke.
Don't mock the smoke addicts, it may be genetic or heredity that makes stopping so difficult for some.

But vaping, yeah, another stunning creation through technology to grip the young...
Make a change from social media, that is considered just as toxic, can't we ban that as well?

And to drag things slowly back on topic...think I've only done the actual smiler queue proper a couple of times...but got the heady smell of strawberries and tobacco in the queueline.
No skunk though.