I thought that now the season is over I would post an honest assessment of The Smiler in the form of positives and negatives. I have been very critical of The Smiler on here in recent weeks and months so hopefully this post can show that I don't think it's all bad!
- The marketing; this was done extremely well on the whole and seems to have been successful.
- The theme; I love the theme, it's a great concept and I think it's executed pretty well.
- The music; it's catchy, long and there are different variations.
- The imposing nature of the ride; the mess of mangled steel does look stunning.
- The ride itself (when smooth); unfortunately it has not always been smooth for me which has somewhat dampened the experience but on the few smooth rides I have had it has been very good.
- The delays; these were constant and extremely frustrating
- The problems since opening; there have been far too many and it is something they need to put right over the closed season. They cannot afford to have the same number of problems again in 2014.
- The jolts; these seems to have become more pronounced as the ride has been open longer, especially the one on the first inverted drop.
- Some of the theming quality; stickers peeling in the first year is not good.
On the whole I think The Smiler has been a good addition for the park. There is no doubt that it has brought people to the park. For me the ride itself is too inconsistent. When I get a smooth ride I do really like it. However more often than not I get a ride that causes me pain one way or another.
It is a shame that The Smiler has almost been overshadowed by the problems it has suffered. It has caused a lot of downtime and therefore a lot of unhappy guests who never got to ride it. It's also given the ride a bad image thanks to the media attention gained; I heard quite a few people on park over the weekend talking about the latest incident that had been in the news.
I think, or at least hope, that Towers will learn a lot from The Smiler. It has been a good example of how not to plan a big new rollercoaster. I'm sure that Towers do realise this though. I hope they can sort out some of the problems over the closed season. If they can't then I do fear that The Smiler could have a short lifespan at the park.