at Thorpe ALL the special effects were working yesterday.
I can assure you they were not.
I know of at least one special effect which isn't used at Thorpe (Unless something has changed in the past week), and has not for years, which is the fireball on Tidal Wave.
Similarly, when I was last there the other week Tidal Wave had no show water running as the pump had been removed.
Equally the area under Colossus used to include a rather nice little water feature which has since been abandoned and left to rot (Much like the ride itself really).
In Nemesis Inferno's station the lighting and sound systems, whilst better than they have been in the past, are still not how they should be.
Loggers Leap looks a state since they tore the roof off of lift one and the first drop, and likewise the tunnel in Rumba Rapids is devoid of any life or effect these days.
Whilst I would agree that SAW provides a better themed attraction than The Smiler, I really wouldn't go so far as to say that Thorpe has better theming overall.
Consider with SAW that they had a film studio to impress in order to obtain IP rights and it's glaringly obvious why the effort was made.
I would never deny that Thorpe do have some wonderful bits of theming. Amity Cove is one of my favourite areas in the UK. It's well themed, and WWTP Radio provides a buzz not found in other UK Merlin parks since the removal of Thunder Rock Rally. There is a fun vibe about it which is how parks should be. The same extends to Amity Speedway. Whilst the plaza is somewhat empty the quirky 50s feel is extended on, and as a ride Stealth certainly integrates into the area better than Rita ever has.
Swarm similarly is a pretty well put together product. It's not perfect, but it certainly has its place at the park, and doesn't impact on anything else too badly.
On the other hand we have the likes of Colossus, which these days is covered in oil and dirty paintwork. What bits of theming it has have been forgotten about, and it generally looks shabby. It's a shame really, as when it opened it did look rather pretty, and the landscaping is fantastic. However, it's still not perfect, and if you ask me Nemesis has aged more gracefully (Station aside).
Ninferno is a great looking ride at a glance. But 10 years on it still remains unfinished! The back of the ride is nothing but a tin shed with a service road! Alton's big coasters may have their flaws, but at least none are as blatantly forgotten as this. Even Th13teen as much as we panned it made a very vague effort to cover the literal holes in its station facade with the tarps and scaffolding (I can't believe I actually aimed some very loose praise at it! Better than a tin shed though at any rate.).
I will stop here, as I could go on and turn this into an essay, but I hope I've made my point. I love Alton, and I love Thorpe, but even in this day where we have a concrete coaster flooded with mucky water Alton still tops Thorpe in so many ways. Thorpe will need a lot of work to properly rival Alton. They have some fantastic individual bits as outlined above, but they also have some glaring faults (Yes Storm Surge I'm looking at you). It all needs tying together into one neat package, rather than being a disjointed mish-mash of ideas.
First visits are always nice to places, and I too have on occasion come away from a ride or park feeling the same way, that it's the best thing ever. However, upon reflection and after another visit it becomes easy to see past the initial blinkers, and notice the park for what it really is.
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