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The UKIPs.

Ah, the good old "you've got more money than me so can't speak out about social issues" argument. As he put himself, when you're poor and complain, they call you jealous, when you're rich, they call you a hypocrite. I think you're confusing socialism with the teachings of Jesus Christ. It was Jesus who said people should give up their riches. As far as I know, Brand doesn't argue that we should, his arguments always seem aimed at the rich. There's nothing in socialism that says you can't make a success out of yourself and aren't entitled to the rewards of your hard work (actually, getting the full fruits of your work is exactly what socialism is about). Thinking the world is unfair doesn't mean you have to force yourself to be poor. Like him or not, he's worked hard to climb his way up, and managed to kick a heroin addiction. He's been campaigning, actual on the streets campaigning, for that estate in London where the tenants are all being evicted, and he's using the proceeds from his book to open a rehab clinic.

Personally I think he's a bit of a tit and some of his ideas are terrible if not dangerous, but he's smarter than people give him credit for, whether that's because he tries too hard to use big words, because some of his ideas are outside the mainstream, or because he's famous/comedian/ex-junkie, or because of the answer phone message (free speech though, innit?), and people focus on this rather than his actual ideas and beliefs. Because why argue about poverty when you can just shout "Parklife!" at him.

Al Murray on the other hand, is an upper class snob who's entire act is "haha, poor people are racist". Although it is funny that most of his audience don't realise this and take it at face value like he's Roy Chubby Brown. It's weird though, seeing fans of rich, upper class, public school, pint swigging, racist, jingoist, PR act Farage, criticising a rich, upper class, public school man who also expresses a love for pints, racism and jingoism for PR.
Just wanted to add about the Fox News thing, especially the one about Birmingham... they should have replied to Fox News:

Odd news today, as UKIP disown their own leader's NHS policy, then boast about how they don't bother to have a coherent, agreed upon set of positions.

And they've fired the person responsible for putting together their new manifesto, because he hasn't bothered to do it. Presumably because no one in the party agrees on anything beyond leaving the EU and controlling immigration more tightly. Or perhaps they're still negotiating with various think tanks to buy the policies like they used to.
It's called naivety, she might get away with those sort of silly comments when speaking to The Guardian, but not THE TIMES.
Oh dear looks like the publicity has gone to her head. :smile::smile::smile::smile:


If she did actually come out with all this lunacy then she's finished.

Not really. Many politicians have come out with stupider comments and are still around. It's also consistent with the Green's policy; after all, they want to abolish the monarchy and increase the amount of council houses so should the queen need one they would offer one to her.
There was an interesting debate on Friday on BBC Radio 2 with Jeremy Vine about the Greens, particularly in Brighton and how unpopular they are. Apparently Brighton has one of the worst recycling rates in the country, the highest car parking charges which is damaging business and now they want to raise council tax by nearly 6%. So to say they aint popular down there would be an understatement!
Interesting misrepresentation there Gary. Council Tax rise proposals were put in place to protect services as Brighton was dealt out some of the biggest local spending cuts in all of the country by central government, something that Brighton's voters never voted for but have had forced upon them. Yes car parking charges are up, but cycling and public transport use is up and prices for public transport is down. I believe the recycling rates were due to a awful waste infrastructure contract the previous Tory administration had signed the council up to and couldn't be changed until the contract was through. There has now been stabilisation and improvement now that contract has ended and new waste management measures put in place but sadly not enough time to reverse the damage that has so far been inflicted.

And your claim that the Greens are unpopular in Brighton is completely unfounded as the Green Party are polling ahead of the second place labour by 10 percentage points. A comfortable majority if there ever was one.

That is not to say there have not been serious problems in the Greens' tenure in Brighton - namely the awful situation with Bin Mens' pay which I won't defend and was loudly opposed by Caroline Lucas and the vast majority of Brighton and Hove Green Party members.

Regardless, this topic was set up to talk about UKIP and this is getting very off topic. Happy for a new topic to be started to scrutinise the Greens if you so wish.
I thought this was a pretty interesting little piece on the Greens, it's pretty even and fair and talks a little about the Brighton stuff.

Although the bit about the basic income, I strongly doubt the cited figure from The Telegraph, although that's for another topic (that actually existed on here a while ago, it might still be floating around pages back).