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The UKIPs.

From an entirely selfish point of view, I'll be voting Labour.

The Tories are bad news for me as a student and as a bottom-of-the-ladder scumbag, so they're out the window.

All politicians lie, but none so obviously as Nick Clegg on tuition fees. So that's the lib-dems out of the running!

UKIP were a nice protest vote at the local elections, but the thought of them being in charge of the country is terrifying even without considering their stance on immigration!

I like the idea of the Greens but I just can't back them because of their transport policies. I rely on transport to see family, a lot of whom live far from train links with laughably poor public transport links. The fact that taxis are considered public transport is ridiculous and simply a way for them to weasel out of the public transport promise when no company wants to put on a bus to middleofnowhere-ville.
Homelessness is up, the use of foodbanks is up, diseases like rickets are back, malnourishment is up. What price stability?

Debt is higher than it was, as is borrowing. So 'stability' doesn't exist. Debt and borrowing is how collapses happen. The economy is cyclical, and when the next crash comes, we're in trouble. And that will mean more austerity while the people who caused it continue to get richer.
Labour lied Blaze it's as simple as that, or perhaps you could point out where these weapons of mass destruction are in Iraq.
And how can you say borrowing is going up? The deficit is down from 156m when labour got kicked out to 99m now.
Info from:


Of course I don't expect a scouser to vote Tory, more chance of hell freezing over, but at least use facts in your argument.

TheMan I can take your point about Social care but whilst you say things were getting better under labour, yes they might of been but who was paying for it?
You can make a lot of things better by throwing money at them but by the time they got kicked out all the money had gone, they even said as much by leaving a note in number 11 FFS.
Anything other than a Tory majority come May will ultimately end in higher taxes for everyone and a huge pile of debt for future generations.
Unlike every other party who all tell the truth? Let's not forget the Tories wanted us to join forces with ISIS in Syria. Labour lost an chance of getting my vote long ago, for what it's worth.

Actually, 13/14 debt stands at £1.4tn. In 09/10 it was £956.4bn. 90.6% of GDP, in 2010 it was 78.4%. Borrowing is higher than all but the final two years of the previous government. It had been going down, then it jumped back up. Spectacularly. The original 12/13 figure was £80.7bn, it has been revised to £119bn. The latest figures had it at £93.7bn, above the original figure for the previous year, it has been revised to £99bn, near enough identical to how it was in 08/09. It did peak in Labour's final year, at £153.7bn (original)/£153bn (revised). So in four years we're back where we were in five years ago and on an upwards trend. We are also likely to miss reduction targets.

Source: Eurostat, ONS

Debt can't ever be repaid, but the idea of us refusing to pay it is all a bit Russell Brand, so the best way to stimulate the economy, as old Labour and the Nordic countries shown after the war, is investment, get money flowing. Exchange of capital is how capitalism works, got to spend money to make money. We're all on average poorer than we were five years ago, but the people who caused the crash are richer than ever, and wealth is only becoming more and more concentrated. We have austerity, those responsible get protected. George Osborne, as we all know, is fighting the EU to stop them putting a limit on the bonuses bankers can award themselves, while back home he cuts public services and raises taxes to pay for it all.
TheMan I can take your point about Social care but whilst you say things were getting better under labour, yes they might of been but who was paying for it?
You can make a lot of things better by throwing money at them but by the time they got kicked out all the money had gone, they even said as much by leaving a note in number 11 FFS.
Anything other than a Tory majority come May will ultimately end in higher taxes for everyone and a huge pile of debt for future generations.

The borrowing figures at the time this was happening wasn't bad in fact the economy was performing well.

I'm a neutral in this because I don't support Labour. I find them arrogant. But the economic collapse was due to irresponsible banking nothing to do with Labour, and then the banks collapsing and being bailed out.

The note in No11 is widely known to have been satirical.

A Tory majority is dangerous, I do think they're better at stimulating the private sector, but with Tories that comes at any cost.

The Greens had a questionaire that put it into context, asking people who voted in a measured fashion "what if your relative or neighbour needed this, would you rather see them suffer with tax cuts, or pay a little more and make sure you knew they'd be ok".

Anyone with a soul answers only one way.

Of course, it's them up to the people in charge to ensure that happens.

The Tories have destroyed the soul of the NHS, they've gone the opposite way to Labour that was absolutely ridiculously obsessed with middle management and created a service WAY too top heavy. At LEAST however, they were trying to help it, which is more than can be said for the Tories.

If the Tories were more balanced, given how they manage the economy, they'd get my vote - but they aren't.
Tune into BBC 2 now (13:00) as they are doing a programme about society being controlled by deliberate confusion
Tune into BBC 2 now (13:00) as they are doing a programme about society being controlled by deliberate confusion

Slam it on in the middle of the day when no one will be watching it!

The fact that you know, part of the strategy of doing it this way, is to add another layer to the confusion by admitting it is used via media, is extraordinary!
Double Post:

Going to give a little secret away as to how this works.

The purpose of this confusion ultimately, is to create a state that your own filters are disabled. Thus they can propagate a message directly to your subconscious. If you are unaware it's happening, you are powerless against it.

It is a technique that used in this way is nefarious, unethical, and frankly disgraceful.

NO ONE who would consider using this technique in this manner should be anywhere near any kind of position of power as it is a positively psychotic action. In the literal sense.
Interesting news, today the Green Party across the UK have thereabouts drawn level with UKIP for membership. They've doubled in membership since September.
The debate about the debate is lending a lot of credence to their party as well!

(PS look at my new sig @Rowe made me, I think I look positively dashing in it!)
Al Murray to stand against Nigel Farage! At least. Some election shenanigans!! It's been far too serious so far.


He offers "A British moon, on a British Stick!"

Here's the Logo:

And pledge 6 is especially entertaining @Scott

6 - Alex Salmond to be made First Minister for Norwich, so he can understand what being ignored by the rest of the country is really like.


It's almost a shame really. Al Murray, when not in character, is a very intelligent guy. But by standing as "Guv", he's putting a fake bigot against a real one. I can't see it working, no UKIP supporter will switch their vote to him. If anything it risks splitting the anti-UKIP voters and making things worse.

... Having said that, Guv for PM! :p
It's almost a shame really. Al Murray, when not in character, is a very intelligent guy. But by standing as "Guv", he's putting a fake bigot against a real one. I can't see it working, no UKIP supporter will switch their vote to him. If anything it risks splitting the anti-UKIP voters and making things worse.

... Having said that, Guv for PM! :p

I know what you're saying, but no one would pay attention really if he ran as Al Murray.

He's also one of the few people I've spoken to who came across to me as very arrogant, so in general I'm not a fan of the man, however the best way to go at Farage is this... saying that, it's actually having an adverse affect in terms of raising publicity for "Nige".

Oh well, at least Nige hasn't shot him.
Most people who like the Pub Landlord are the sort of people the character is sending up. So unless he makes it really obvious, he'll probably get loads of votes. From the same people who think Russell Brand makes a mockery of politics.
I was reading this article from my local news regarding Al Murray going up against Nigel Farage. Naturally I voted in the poll, which leads to some interesting results so far:


Obviously the proportions will change as more people vote, but you get the idea. Despite Al Murray's recent campaign, it's pretty clear who the locals of Thanet South really want, at least those who read Kent Online anyway!
Al Murray is a public school educated plastic socialist along the same lines as Russell Brand.
Both are millionaires dictating socialist values to to the rest of us while they live like kings.

I'll take them serious when they donate all of their money to the treasury like they expect us to do.