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The World of David Walliams: General Discussion

Wonder how long will the world of Dw will last nòw because I've been hearing that the Dw books are becoming less popular now. Speaking of DW I think a Doctor who themed land would be a good replacement.
I know it's outside the area but what are they doing with the dungeons after scarefest, is it getting replaced or what. Maybe they,ll retheme it to suit what Horizon will be based on, but I hold out hope for a Sir Algeron ride or a new version of Toyland tours
Wonder how long will the world of Dw will last nòw because I've been hearing that the Dw books are becoming less popular now. Speaking of DW I think a Doctor who themed land would be a good replacement.
I’m not even sure how popular Doctor Who is at the moment given the reception of some of last season’s episodes and Disney’s hesitancy in confirming Series 3.
Wonder how long will the world of Dw will last nòw because I've been hearing that the Dw books are becoming less popular now. Speaking of DW I think a Doctor who themed land would be a good replacement.

Keep the IP money

Return it back to talbot street

Invest in home grown IP

Re-theme GG to a “silly” dungeons tour.

Re-theme dungeons to “caverns” of some form

Re-theme for the 4D cinema to the earls theatre

Add in Algenons flying machine (theatre) for good measure

Scrap the driving school

Re-theme burger kitchen as “the towers galley and make it a themed quick service establishment.

Bring a new temporary entrance feature to the archway into the area and by fountain square.
Again with the Doctor Who stuff. It must be more popular than I give it credit for? Or not if it's possible that Merlin could afford it?

As long as the real Doctor John Pertwee is featured, I'll be happy. And whack a Wurlze Gummage dark ride in the Around the World building whilst your at it. And make Burger Kitchen a Harvester to match the theme.
Dr Who's popularity is in decline, if any theme park wanted that IP the time to do it was 10 years ago. It's not drawing anywhere near the viewing figures it used to.

Id rather Towers go for an original IP like a steam punk themed area which would fit well with Thier own characters.
DW World’s position next to Hex and the Towers seems perfect for an in-house theme.

My lad really liked Bewilderwood and its supporting books. Developing a theme based on local stuff (chuck in some fairies or goblins or something) with some tie-in extra-cost media feels an open goal for AT.
Again with the Doctor Who stuff. It must be more popular than I give it credit for? Or not if it's possible that Merlin could afford it?
Agree that Doctor Who is likely more popular than we give it credit for as it is on Disney+ internationally as well as BBC1 in the UK so ratings might only show one part of the picture.

I don't think Walliams World is the right area for a Doctor Who area however it is my theory that Project Horizon's theme could be Doctor Who themed so could work if combined with PH.

The only rides I think in the current Walliams area that could be suitable is Gangsta Granny and Flavios.

Raj needs to be removed or moved over to Peter Rabbit whilst the Carousel needs to be moved elsewhere in the park. Driving School should be replaced or stay separate as it wouldn't fit into the audience or theme well - I'd prefer Dalek themed dodgems instead. It could also incorporate the Dungeons and possibly Hex however the latter is pushing it with it's location.

It is a perfect theme for a themed area with predominantly indoor rides for guests aged 6+ which is what the park needs.

It could be doable for Merlin considering it's a BBC Property (and I don't believe Disney has the IP rights to the property).
Blue sky thinking, but it would be nice to see Project Horizon and a TWODW overhaul happen simultaneously (over two seasons, perhaps) with something similar to what we're seeing proposed at Chessington with Project Refresh and Renew. New indoor coaster (Project Horizon), new theatre show/4D film, Gangsta Granny converted into a screen-based shooter ride, new wave swinger (or another flat ride), outdoor soft play area, new indoor restaurant (replace Burger Kitchen), new or multiple new rides in the Dungeons building. There is so much potential in that top half of the park.

An in-house theme would be fine. I think the issue with Doctor Who (and why it has never appeared in a theme park) is the issue surrounding the main character changing every few years (and the TARDIS design). You would need a ride that they are willing to update every four years (not happening under Merlin), the Doctor being screen-based only for easier updating, or something generic (Dalek ride, Gallifrey ride, etc). It's a bit of a complex IP to approach.
I'm not into Doctor Who, but I am aware that it has a large fanbase. However, if you were to build and advertise a Doctor Who Land or whatever, people turning up to see that would expect it to actually be GOOD. So you'd have to actually spend a lot of money and theme it really well. You wouldn't get away with the kind of half-baked thing they did for Wally World. I also think creating their own theme for this area would be better, whatever that would end up being. You don't need to pay some company a load of money to use their IP for this area, unless you're really going to go to town on it and push the boat out. I think they've got higher priorities at the moment though. They can't even get all of their current rides operating on any kind of consistent basis.
The BBC have been trying for years to make interactive Doctor Who experiences work, to entirely mixed results. Even when there has been critical acclaim, the visitor numbers just aren't there.

Since "new Who" you've had two permanent exhibitions in Cardiff, lots of travelling ones, and "Doctor Who: Time Fracture". The latter was an immersive theatrical adventure which lasted two years and lost a lot of money.

Doctor Who means different things to everybody, it's part of the reason the show has been successful for so long, but it's hard to nail down. The ability to go anywhere in space and time, to have your characters refresh but remain the same, are great narrative devices for a long running show. They're not great for basing a sister attraction on.

The only permanent and familiar set is the TARDIS, but adventures take place outside it and the look refreshes every few years. Everyone has their own Doctor, and the churn rate of them can be incredibly high. Today's Doctor won't necessarily speak to fans of Ecclestone, Tennant or Pertwee. The cost effective way to do it, and not have it screen based, is to run the attraction WITHOUT the Doctor, but make occasional reference, but who wants that?

As for the cost of the IP, @Matt.GC, if Merlin can afford Minecraft (and an upcoming Jumanji), they can certainly afford the IP rights for Who.

Once again though, I don't think that third party IP belongs at Alton Towers. The park is strong enough, in many places, to come up with its own.

I'm not particularly convinced that having a David Walliams themed is entirely appropriate for a children's area of a park either; but this isn't the Controversy section of his Wikipedia page (Hide the Sausage, really?!).
Disney would probably do a cut price deal via the BBC just to give Universal a bloody nose over it.

Merlin wouldn't do it justice. As mentioned its a fairly difficult IP to transfer into a ride medium. Would need lots of screens for interacting with the Doctor (at least then you could keep regenerating and not stick to 1 particular one), and beyond having a pre-show in the Tardis itself you pretty much have a ride that could be any sci-fi themed ride. Just happens to have Daleks/Cybermen/whichever classic villain species is being resurrected next.
Disney would probably do a cut price deal via the BBC just to give Universal a bloody nose over it.
I've seen this mentioned a few times now, so I just want to clear it up before it becomes a thing.

Disney does not have any IP or merchandising rights for Doctor Who. They are the worldwide distribution partner, and pay BBC Studios for the right to broadcast the show. As part of that deal they can make production suggestions, but don't have contractual control.

Additionally the IP for some creations, such as the Daleks, remain with the original writers of the show (such as Terry Nation, in the case of the Daleks) and not with the BBC. Agreements have to be made with the estate of Terry Nation for the Daleks, and the BBC, to use them.

The commissioning decision for any future series of Doctor Who remains with the BBC and not Disney. Having said that, if Disney do not pick up distribution rights for future seasons, the budget of the show will be slashed dramatically and the BBC may decide that it's not commercially viable, or in the interests of the licence fee payer, to carry on.

BBC Studios: the BBC's commercial arm, owns the IP rights to the show.

Bad Wolf: the production company whom the BBC pay to make the current series.

Disney: worldwide distribution rights (outside of the UK and Ireland).

Writers: some IP is retained by the original writers or their estates. This is why the first serial is unavailable for broadcast on iPlayer or Disney+. Others can use their characters in other media to mixed success, like K-9.
As for the cost of the IP, @Matt.GC, if Merlin can afford Minecraft (and an upcoming Jumanji), they can certainly afford the IP rights for Who.
I suppose this would be a good time to point out that I wasn't actually being serious about a John Pertwee themed land, complete with 1980's style Harvester restaurant and Wurzle Gummage dark ride, as awesome as that would be! I note that they still haven't ran with the Les Dennis Land idea yet either!

I've also stopped knowing anything about Doctor Who since Sylvester McCoy hung up his hat, and they stopped using pipe cleaners and dustbins as props. Although those eras should be right up Merlin's (rotting) street. Think of all those shipping container paint jobs!
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I suppose this would be a good time to point out that I wasn't actually being serious about a John Pertwee themed land, complete with 1980's style Harvester restaurant and Wurzle Gummage dark ride, as awesome as that would be! I note that they still haven't ran with the Les Dennis Land idea yet either!

I've also stopped knowing anything about Doctor Who since Sylvester McCoy hung up his hat, and they stopped using pipe cleaners and dustbins as props. Although those eras should be right up Merlin's (rotting) street. Think of all those shipping container paint jobs!
Still think McGann was the best Doctor ever tbh even if he got done dirty over the years (Big Finish audio redeemed him though) but I'm rambling.